Today is another day to create my life. Today I have the opportunity to feel the way I want to feel and not let anyone decide for me. If the person cuts me off on the freeway they decided to be an idiot. They needed to be in front more than I needed to not let them. If my boss is a shit then they have a problem in their life they need to resolve. WHo am I to judge. If a child of mine is sad, I love them instead of taking it personal. WE all have choices of our perceptions. Although I might be way off in my perceptions from the truth…..but I would rather take a positive approach rather than be self destructive. I love waking up in the morning and hearing the birds, air breeze, cars, sirens, people and children making their way to work and so forth. I love to hear life. I love to see strangers smile. I love to feel the heat and cold. I am so in love with life. I want to share my choice and how I feel about it. I know others will appreciate my choices. I to love despite the negativity and the push back. We should always choose love. I am creating a beautiful day despite the challenges. I am choosing to write in this blog to communicate the love I feel for you even though I do not know you. If you were in front of me I would hug you and not ask for anything in return. This blog is paid for and it is for you. All I ask in return is your commitment to love others.


Have a Wonderful Day!