
How to Make Money from Home

How to Make Money from Home?

How to Make Money from Home?

I am a very happy person but I want to make money now. I
want to make a lot of money! I want to make money so that I can take time off
and enjoy my happiness. Not I need more money to be happy. I want to make more
money in order to have mo0re time to myself and my family and enjoy the
happiness I already feel!

There are many ways to make more money but all of the ways take
hard work and commitment! The commitment of maybe investing money to start an
online business. Network marketing you have to invest monthly in order to
maintain a product. Most often than not it is an average of 100-150 dollars a
month not including the startup business buy in. IF you want to venture into an
inventory carrying business you have to naturally buy the product in order to
sell. There is online drop shipping businesses. There are affiliate businesses
that require familiarity with what you are selling and more than likely quite a
bit of research to get to know the system. Something like that.

Then there are other ways to make money online. By the way I
have tried all of the above. It isn’t that I failed at the business above it is
just that it did not feel right. I was not passionate about either one of them.
There was not a sense of excitement for me to invest my time. I already walked
away from my career last year to pursue my passion of painting when I want,
visiting and being available for my family. I left my 9-5 knowing that there
was a hope on the horizon. I left my career knowing in my heart it was the
right thing to do and I do not regret one day. I struggle every month to make
the bills, the payback is I do not have a demanding schedule. I make my money
when I want.

Here is one way to make money I have found. I am so excited
about it I had to write about it here. And I promised myself never to sell
anything on my blog by writing. I have attached links to my pages. I have
played around with different things here to get you to click. I apologize. But
I write out of my heart with the belief that we all need to listen to someone
we can trust in order to grow. We need to gather many points of view in order
to learn.

Take a look at this amazing find. Have an open mind.


How to Make Money from Home

People Do Not Want to be Happy

People Do Not Want to be Happy

I am worried.

I do not let things get to me regularly. People do not want to be happy. I don’t get it. They say they want to be happy but their actions show me the opposite. I mentor quite a few people including family. I always ask the same question….”what can you control?” They always beat around the bush. After I explain to them that the only thing they can control is their mind and the way they think… They go off on a tangent blaming the world that what they think is predicated on their experiences and it is not their fault for negative thought. I give them literature and information on how this is a scientific fact that we condition our minds to believe a certain way. I show them proof in research that mindset can cause illness or healing in a very short time. They still do not get it. 

People Do Not Want to be Happy

I believe it is a fear mindset that keeps them from opening
their mind to other ways of thinking. We are conditioned in this society that
our problems are best solved with external vices. We have not been taught that
we have internal strengths that we have access to that give us the ability to
calm ourselves down and root out that is scaring us into depression. And then
we treat depression with medications and external vices. Holistic and
spirituality understanding as it relates to healing the body is becoming more
popular. Modern medicine is also trying to compete with these advances. They
are constantly introducing new chemical therapies that are supposed to be less
harmful to the body yet they preface this by listing all the side effects (contradicting).
Where does this leave us? The quick fix is still the pill and the internal
healing approach takes work and is less attractive. Steroids was attractive and
eating healthy foods and hard work was not…. Look where it got those people.

All of this talk of depression treatment and pills and such
has a solution and there is hope. We do have an answer to all of this wave of
distracting us from our true problem. There is nothing wrong with accepting the
fact that you are screwed up in the head and it is ok to feel like shit. There is
nothing wrong with crying on someone’s shoulder and going through the
depression and feeling sorry for yourself process. The catch is that we have to
accept it as temporary and not a part of us. We have to acknowledge that it is
there face it head on and say in the mirror that you are going to change it
with hard work. And then you get to work.

The number one reason everyone goes through this process whether
you agree or not is that you are not happy. Simple. Fear is in your mind. Your perception
of a bad experience lurks in your mind and causes fear. So you lash out against
the world and blame everyone and anyone in your way including the person and mainly
the person looking back in the mirror. Instead of loving that person in the mirror
and asking the question why? You agree and continue to deteriorate.

How do we stop this mindset? WORK! Reconditioning of the
perceptions. We have to start saying over and over we are ok. We have to adopt
a system and or process that allows us to appreciate who we are on a daily
basis. I know it is easier said than done. That is so very true. It is hard
work but well worth it. When you finally get to the end of the marathon the
journey will have been worthwhile. You will reap the benefits of the hard work.
A clean feeling of joy and happiness. Not aided or created from external vices
or medications. You will be clear in thought.

This is what I do. I help people get to this point. I work
hard to help people understand themselves. I challenge you to read through my
blog if this is the first time. Share this information with others and help someone
be happier. If you need help in giving someone encouragement in your life I
would be happy to help you. My contact info is here.

If you are interested in helping people like I have let me
know we can team up. If you need some assistance let me know! I do not mind
speaking with you and giving you some tips on the direction you need to be headed
in order to find your happiness.

As always I love you.

Why Do I Help People be Happy?

Why Do I Help People be Happy?

How do I help People be Happy? I have always been a person
that worries about people and why they are always in a bad mood or unhappy. I
have always taken it personal when people I know are sad or upset around me. It
is almost like they are my responsibility. I need to do something about it. I
can feel their emotions like if I was experiencing them. I have said it before…
I can walk into a room and immediately feel what person is feeling what, happy
or sad. It is an uncanny gift I guess. In reality we all have this ability
because we are all connected.

My Personal Happiness is a roller coaster ride to say the
least. I have more highs than lows. I used let myself suffer from depression
and let it get the best of me. I have control over it for the most part now.
For many years I did not know I was allowing myself to suffer from it. It was a
part of me that existed and I could not figure out how to reverse the emotions
I was experiencing for no reason. Emotions of insecurity and sadness. I have
been fortunate to have had wonderful friends and relatives. I have had great
experiences through my life up to this point. And some of the great experiences
could have been better if it was not for the mindset I took.

Struggling to influence others that I was perceiving as
negative towards me was a challenging task. I could be the happiest person in
the room, and someone could feel threatened by it or just not want to feel what
I was feeling, so they made it a point to not associate themselves with me. I
took it personal and let it affect my mood at the present moment. I had a
choice to not let it get to me or let it drag me down. Instead of continuing
with my mindset of happiness this became a trigger for the depressed side of
me. I would question my self-worth and think it was always my fault that
another individual would not want to associate themselves with me. This always
affected Me., I started to believe there was something wrong with me and I was
causing this. I could not get past that when it was happening.

Breakthroughs with my mindset challenges came when I had a 5
year stretch of tragedy and heartbreaks. I was at one of my lowest points in
life. I threw my hands up in the air and figured I had nothing left. I had did
not care about anyone or anything anymore other than my family. And some family
members I had to stay away from. I was at my lowest point. I was sick of being
in the cycle of sadness and disappointment. So I decided at that moment to just
be happy. It was one of the best decisions I made. I started to like the
genuine feeling of being happy every day. Eventually this practice of deciding
to be happy and planning my happiness every night before I went to bed became
easier and easier. I say it became easier because when you have been sad and
depressed for so long and you are trying to reverse the emotion, it is hard
work. It is in essence a drug addict going through detox.

I began to be mindful of the present moment more and more every
day. I would feel the rage and sadness began to overcome me as they were
approaching. I started to get addicted to the good feeling of happiness. I
started to get sick of the negative emotions that were populating my mind on a
daily basis. I started to curse at these thoughts. These thoughts would make me
angry, so angry I would began to laugh and cry out in joy to reverse the
emotion and feel good. I started to forgive myself every day. I started to
build on the small love I had for myself. I forgave everyone around me. I still
struggled and the past still tapped me on the shoulder telling me I wasn’t good
enough. I began to get sick of that voice, the voice of fear. No More!

Mentoring Throughout my life since I was 15 I have been
helping and people. It never mattered whether I was hurting or having problems
myself. As I got older it became a common tale to tell that I was helping so
many people through rough patches. My answer was always the same, you are
having problems because you are not happy. I was always asked how to figure out
their problem and I never felt comfortable with helping them figure it out. I
never did. I pushed my basic belief that if they are happy the problems will be
perceived differently and in most cases the problem no longer was a problem but
a normal part of life. A normal experience. A challenge they needed to move past
to learn from. They embraced who they were, what they were experiencing and
focused on being happy.

Disappointments vs successes are the balance we have to
accept. Not everyone wants to be helped and we have to understand that and not
take it personal. Keep the principles basic. Help people figure out how to be
happy. If you are the one unhappy….just work on being happy regardless of your
circumstances. We all have problems but we can be happy and not let the problems’
dictate our happiness. First admit the problem exists and be courageous enough
to admit or pinpoint the source. Therefore at least you know and be happy
through it. It will help the process.

Small victories are worthwhile. If you help one person out
of 10 or 20 people that is a great ratio. Be happy. Just make a difference in
one life. Be patient! Focus on the successes with that person and then
duplicate. If you are the one being helped focus on the successes in your goal
towards happiness. Build upon that feeling of happiness at any level and keep
at it focusing on the steps it took to get there.

Why I do This……

Because I love people. I am passionate in the idea that we
can all contribute to helping one another heal from a growing number of people
falling into depression every day. The numbers are staggering. We can reverse
this trend one by one. It takes courage and patience to help people. When we
help we will run into a lot of discouraging ideas and experiences. When we are
trying to heal and be happy we will have a challenge changing our addictive
mindset from negative to positive. It is possible. 

quit looking at the floor

Quit Looking at the Floor!

Every day I meet different people. I help people overcome challenges. I am
always posed with the decision to be irritated with these people because of
their urgency and the way they use me to vent and get it off of their minds and
project their frustration at me….. Or…. I can look behind the veil and wall
they build in front of me and realize they are just believing that they have to
be in the state of mind they are in for them to achieve the answer. 

Why do we always think that we have to endure the pain while we are
experiencing challenging situations? I know we have different cases where there
will be tragedy and we have a time of mourning. Most of these situations were
out of our control and therefore we have to put things into perspective to deal
with them in a safe manner. The safest manner to deal with these situations is
hardly ever the first choice a person will take when going through their
options of dealing with difficult situations.

We often choose to put our bodies through a rigorous event. We fill our
minds up with thoughts that are contradictory to what our body wants. Our body,
mind and soul wants to love and be loved while we go through this challenging
period. We tend to choose the popular path of what the majority does.  We
hardly see people rejoice when they are challenged. That takes courage to align
yourself with greatness and do what the great peaceful leaders do when face
with adversity. They Love all the time! No that is too hard. 

I have a story…..

I know a man within 3 years of his life he lost his father, brother,
divorce, lost his house and job…. Friends turned from him. During all of this
he loved everyone and embraced the radical changes in his life. One by one he
made a decision to look for the best in every situation. The more he felt pain
the more he loved himself and others. He showed gratitude in all areas of his
life that he was able to experience what he did with everyone and everything
even though it has been taken away in some cases.

It isn’t easy to feel gratitude when you lose family members suddenly. But
we have to remember the good in everyone at all times so that we are always
spending every moment and the optimal level of experience. We are not taking
for granted that the moment will be there tomorrow. We tend to take advantage
of the moment expecting tomorrow to come and we might not wake up. To be blunt
you might get shot or hit by a truck! Why the hell are you sleeping in and
texting while your baby is calling you to play!? Who gives a rats ass if you’re
tired! Get up and play with the baby!  

I have 4 children and 6 grandchildren. I love all of them. I think my family
is amazing. Very imperfect and that is why I think they are amazing. I
sometimes have rocky relationships with my children because they are
individuals and they think their own way. All I can do is love them and show
them that love when I see them, talk to them and in this day and age….text

I think texting is bullshit! A wonderful facet of technology, but bullshit.
I see people looking at the floor all day long. I watch as people walk
aimlessly barely paying attention to what they will walk into if they do not
look up once in a while. They are so very intent on sending their message to
the people on the other end. Is it that important? Is it a life threatening
situation that you need to send that message? I see people eating dinner and
all of them are texting instead of sharing their meal together as a time for
bonding. Quit looking at the floor people!

Wake up. You’re dying tonight! Today is your last day. Someone told me you
were going to fall and crack your head open on the sidewalk. IF this is true
how are you going to live your last moments with your family? Are you going to
spend it texting while your innocent child is staring at you wishing you would
take your selfish ass and look at them and listen to their day at school? Or is
it more important to text someone and work about the day’s gossip. You had all
day to do that!!!!

Ok I am calm now. I am not talking about a specific person here nor am I
talking about my life. I watch and observe people and this is what I see and I
bleed inside. Have I wasted time somewhere in my life? Yes for sure I have!
Have you done half of the things on here or are you the perfect person in the
world? Point at me and there are three fingers pointing back at you!

When you gaze in the mirror to see the perfect wonderful person you are and
how amazing you are…… remember there are eyes always watching you. I always
find out the hard way when I think no one’s watching…. Someone is always
watching while you are looking down at the floor.

Quit wasting time. Laugh, smile, love and give of yourself MORE! The rest
will take care of itself. We aren’t perfect but we can LOVE perfectly.

As Always I Love You!

My Rantness will hurt my body if I do not let it out!