People Do Not Want to be Happy

I am worried.

I do not let things get to me regularly. People do not want to be happy. I don’t get it. They say they want to be happy but their actions show me the opposite. I mentor quite a few people including family. I always ask the same question….”what can you control?” They always beat around the bush. After I explain to them that the only thing they can control is their mind and the way they think… They go off on a tangent blaming the world that what they think is predicated on their experiences and it is not their fault for negative thought. I give them literature and information on how this is a scientific fact that we condition our minds to believe a certain way. I show them proof in research that mindset can cause illness or healing in a very short time. They still do not get it. 

People Do Not Want to be Happy

I believe it is a fear mindset that keeps them from opening
their mind to other ways of thinking. We are conditioned in this society that
our problems are best solved with external vices. We have not been taught that
we have internal strengths that we have access to that give us the ability to
calm ourselves down and root out that is scaring us into depression. And then
we treat depression with medications and external vices. Holistic and
spirituality understanding as it relates to healing the body is becoming more
popular. Modern medicine is also trying to compete with these advances. They
are constantly introducing new chemical therapies that are supposed to be less
harmful to the body yet they preface this by listing all the side effects (contradicting).
Where does this leave us? The quick fix is still the pill and the internal
healing approach takes work and is less attractive. Steroids was attractive and
eating healthy foods and hard work was not…. Look where it got those people.

All of this talk of depression treatment and pills and such
has a solution and there is hope. We do have an answer to all of this wave of
distracting us from our true problem. There is nothing wrong with accepting the
fact that you are screwed up in the head and it is ok to feel like shit. There is
nothing wrong with crying on someone’s shoulder and going through the
depression and feeling sorry for yourself process. The catch is that we have to
accept it as temporary and not a part of us. We have to acknowledge that it is
there face it head on and say in the mirror that you are going to change it
with hard work. And then you get to work.

The number one reason everyone goes through this process whether
you agree or not is that you are not happy. Simple. Fear is in your mind. Your perception
of a bad experience lurks in your mind and causes fear. So you lash out against
the world and blame everyone and anyone in your way including the person and mainly
the person looking back in the mirror. Instead of loving that person in the mirror
and asking the question why? You agree and continue to deteriorate.

How do we stop this mindset? WORK! Reconditioning of the
perceptions. We have to start saying over and over we are ok. We have to adopt
a system and or process that allows us to appreciate who we are on a daily
basis. I know it is easier said than done. That is so very true. It is hard
work but well worth it. When you finally get to the end of the marathon the
journey will have been worthwhile. You will reap the benefits of the hard work.
A clean feeling of joy and happiness. Not aided or created from external vices
or medications. You will be clear in thought.

This is what I do. I help people get to this point. I work
hard to help people understand themselves. I challenge you to read through my
blog if this is the first time. Share this information with others and help someone
be happier. If you need help in giving someone encouragement in your life I
would be happy to help you. My contact info is here.

If you are interested in helping people like I have let me
know we can team up. If you need some assistance let me know! I do not mind
speaking with you and giving you some tips on the direction you need to be headed
in order to find your happiness.

As always I love you.