
What is Unconditional Love?

What is Unconditional Love?

Unconditional love is known as affection without any limitations or love without conditions. This term is sometimes associated with other terms such as true altruism, or complete love.

I am writing to describe how we perceive unconditional love. When I ask people what they think unconditional love is they respond so negatively. People seem to think loving without boundaries is a bad thing. I think we let our ego take over and that is what causes pain. We are so quick to judge one another and the wall begins to keep us apart.

We are a loving species. We re-create one another through love, we heal through love, we love emotionally and deeply. We hurt and feel so much pain when we lose love. Love is such a huge word to discuss.

I want to detail my specific take on unconditional love. I want to share how Accepting ourselves Unconditionally is Love at its highest level. Accepting how and who we are is strength. Loving ourselves unconditionally is fearless love. We can grow from the point we accept ourselves in this way. Most of us look in the mirror and are not happy with what we see. We are so imperfect in our own eyes and yet we do not see how perfect of a creation we are. We are capable of creating anything we want to.

The most perfect creation is our mind. We are creative beings. The mind is capable of so much power…. The power to heal, the power to create, the power to feel. We have the power to have a voice and a choice for ourselves. We also have the unique ability to forgive. We have a choice to love our-self.

If we do anything in this life we have so short of time…. to love ourselves is the primary thing we need to focus on. The world is in a bad place because people are very unhappy. They are unhappy because they cannot accept themselves. It is a vicious cycle. Quit making excuses. Love yourself. It is very simple. Your life could end tomorrow. You are wasting time. There are so many people that want to try…. you get in their way because you infect them with your negativity. If you care about your loved ones wake up and love yourself so that you can be that example.

I Love You.

A Strategy for Happiness

A Strategy for Happiness

A Strategy for Happiness

We think that happy people and unhappy people are born that way… Both will do and live in a way that strengthen those mindsets. Happy people will continue to enjoy the mindset that helps them thrive and enjoy life. Unhappy people will continue to think negatively and self-destruct doing and accepting things to upset them.

How does a successful business operate? They have a plan and purpose for their business. They have defined their purpose and created a strategy to accomplish that purpose. The same approach can be used by people in their daily lives. Define what it is you want and create a strategy to attain it.

When a business has a planned strategy they have a buy in from their employees, they are passionate about the purpose. Everything they do in their daily operation is geared towards taking strides towards attaining the goal. Every challenging moment in the business is just another experience as a lesson to gain knowledge for improvement. All of the decisions are measured and recorded to teach the employees that the failure is a steppingstone towards success. In order to succeed you have to know what failure is. I say again…. In order to appreciate the successes you have to know what it feels like to fail.

On a personal perspective you have to have a life purpose and passion. Waking up every day knowing that you are passionate about something and you will do anything to get there. The first task involved in getting there is the mindset you will adopt daily. A true positive mindset is key in every success. To be happy every day with a purpose is so important. It gives you sustainability and strength. Nothing will get in your way. The energy you will need to fulfill your purpose is the passion you have. Life is full of experience. You cannot control what is externally influencing you on a daily basis. What you can control is the perception you have towards it.

We have to take a student’s mindset in life. We will take tests and fail but we get a chance to study more and the next day take a retake and pass. IF we wake the next day we will take into the new day the experience we need to succeed. The mindset we need to have every day is that we have a new day when we wake a new.

How to Make Money from Home

People Do Not Want to be Happy

People Do Not Want to be Happy

I am worried.

I do not let things get to me regularly. People do not want to be happy. I don’t get it. They say they want to be happy but their actions show me the opposite. I mentor quite a few people including family. I always ask the same question….”what can you control?” They always beat around the bush. After I explain to them that the only thing they can control is their mind and the way they think… They go off on a tangent blaming the world that what they think is predicated on their experiences and it is not their fault for negative thought. I give them literature and information on how this is a scientific fact that we condition our minds to believe a certain way. I show them proof in research that mindset can cause illness or healing in a very short time. They still do not get it. 

People Do Not Want to be Happy

I believe it is a fear mindset that keeps them from opening
their mind to other ways of thinking. We are conditioned in this society that
our problems are best solved with external vices. We have not been taught that
we have internal strengths that we have access to that give us the ability to
calm ourselves down and root out that is scaring us into depression. And then
we treat depression with medications and external vices. Holistic and
spirituality understanding as it relates to healing the body is becoming more
popular. Modern medicine is also trying to compete with these advances. They
are constantly introducing new chemical therapies that are supposed to be less
harmful to the body yet they preface this by listing all the side effects (contradicting).
Where does this leave us? The quick fix is still the pill and the internal
healing approach takes work and is less attractive. Steroids was attractive and
eating healthy foods and hard work was not…. Look where it got those people.

All of this talk of depression treatment and pills and such
has a solution and there is hope. We do have an answer to all of this wave of
distracting us from our true problem. There is nothing wrong with accepting the
fact that you are screwed up in the head and it is ok to feel like shit. There is
nothing wrong with crying on someone’s shoulder and going through the
depression and feeling sorry for yourself process. The catch is that we have to
accept it as temporary and not a part of us. We have to acknowledge that it is
there face it head on and say in the mirror that you are going to change it
with hard work. And then you get to work.

The number one reason everyone goes through this process whether
you agree or not is that you are not happy. Simple. Fear is in your mind. Your perception
of a bad experience lurks in your mind and causes fear. So you lash out against
the world and blame everyone and anyone in your way including the person and mainly
the person looking back in the mirror. Instead of loving that person in the mirror
and asking the question why? You agree and continue to deteriorate.

How do we stop this mindset? WORK! Reconditioning of the
perceptions. We have to start saying over and over we are ok. We have to adopt
a system and or process that allows us to appreciate who we are on a daily
basis. I know it is easier said than done. That is so very true. It is hard
work but well worth it. When you finally get to the end of the marathon the
journey will have been worthwhile. You will reap the benefits of the hard work.
A clean feeling of joy and happiness. Not aided or created from external vices
or medications. You will be clear in thought.

This is what I do. I help people get to this point. I work
hard to help people understand themselves. I challenge you to read through my
blog if this is the first time. Share this information with others and help someone
be happier. If you need help in giving someone encouragement in your life I
would be happy to help you. My contact info is here.

If you are interested in helping people like I have let me
know we can team up. If you need some assistance let me know! I do not mind
speaking with you and giving you some tips on the direction you need to be headed
in order to find your happiness.

As always I love you.

dealing with depression

Dealing with Depression

Am I depressed or am I Dealing with Depression?

That is a common question people ask me when they come to me for help when dealing with depression. Am I depressed? The question should always be, how can I be Happy? At least when you ask that question you are admitting you are not happy but you know the direction on which to focus on. Happiness. You have won half the battle when dealing with depression. Focus on wanting to be happy. Direct your energies towards that result. Asking, “why am I depressed?” is keeping in the state of mind of being unhappy. 

I am not a psychologist,
life coach nor am I a professional in any field behavioral science. I am a man
that has a passion for helping people and my life is committed to teaching
people how to be happy. My opinions and teachings have no agenda attached to
them other than this is what I want to do the rest of my life to give to
humanity. Right now there is so much suffering in this world that I think all
of us should contribute to the well-being of the world in some way. If the
majority of us will focus a portion of our daily lives towards this there will
be a dramatic change in consciousness.

There is a growing number of suicidal deaths in younger adults dealing with depression.(See Sucide among Youth Here) These individuals have not even given life a chance to develop into beautiful people. They are giving up on themselves. I have read children as young as 12 are taking their lives because of insecurity issues. A considerable percentage of these deaths are attributed to social media bullying. This is horrible. To me the social media aspect is out of my realm of understanding that a fake world is so influential in a young person’s life that they would take their lives. What was a fun activity of staying in touch with their friends turned into a threatening environment, as dangerous as walking in a bad neighborhood in the middle of the night. A virtual bad neighborhood. Weird! But very real along side with the stress of dealing with depression.

This is one aspect of a growing trend of dealing with depression in our world. Another growing area is in affluent adults. People with a lot of money. How the hell can they be unhappy? What triggers that part of them when they have everything? Why are these people dealing with depression? They have amassed a fortune in their careers and yet they seem to believe that they do not have anything. Is it Money cannot buy love? I have helped some individuals that have the financial freedom to go anywhere and be anything they want to be and they are unhappy [py. When posed with the question of why they are unhappy ultimately they give me that answer of being lonely. They alienate themselves from family and friends because they think everyone wants their money. Or in some cases they are ashamed because they are so “successful” they are embarrassed to be around others they know who are not in the financial situation they are in. They are not happy and cannot figure out why people in a lower financial class are more happy and abundant than they are. This fact alone haunts them and they search for external stimuli to replace the emptiness they feel from loneliness. They lie to themselves and surround themselves with superficial people and things as a substitute. This is very shallow and temporary. Eventually they realize the truth and fall in a deeper depression than before. 

First of all You have to “love Yourself” I know this is a cliché statement. This idea is very true. At least you have to accept who you are in your present reality. If you want to change this reality you have to know where you are starting from and focus on where you want to be. So instead of asking yourself “Am I Depressed?” you will start asking yourself “How can I be Happy?” Once this is figured out the work begins. It is hard work! This is a journey that never ends and always continues. When you figure out how experience victories through this work you will be addicted to the results and the problems in your life will seem ridiculous challenges that are overcome with joy. The sad and tragic moments in life will be what they are but you will appreciate the strength you receive from those experiences and can recover quicker. 

As I mentioned before, I
am just a regular person with a passion for helping people. You have decided to
read this far you have connected to some degree with what I have written. I
hope and pray you receive a message that can bring an answer to what you are
searching for. Read my other articles here. My style is very impromptu and
un-edited. I write as I think it and then post the shit out of it.

I Love You! I always have compassion for my fellow man and unconditional love for all the people hurting out there. Sometimes pain and suffering makes us do bad things especially when we are dealing with depression. That is where the unconditional part comes to play. There is a fine line. Only you know where it starts and ends.  

Please see my other articles on Depression.

Depression ( Five Signs of Suffering)

Clinical Depression 

Depression Treatment