how to be happy with yourself

Ask Yourself Happiness? – Guest Post

Is anybody happier because you passed their way?

Is anybody happier because you spoke to them today?

Were you selfish plain and simple as you rushed along your way?

Or is someone mighty grateful for a deed you did today?

Can you say in parting with the day that’s slipping past

You helped a single person in the many that you’ve passed?

Is a single heart rejoicing over what you did or said?

Or is someone whose hopes were fading,

Now with courage looking ahead?

Did you waste a day or lose it, was it well or poorly spent?

Did you leave a trail of kindness, or a scar of discontent?

As you close your eyes in slumber, do you think that God would say

You have one more tomorrow for the work you did today?

May your life be filled with love, happiness and inspiration

Rochman Reese and Sofan Chan

Is there God?

If someone proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is no God or that our life was not created intentionally…what would you do for those of you that believe? Would you live your life any different? Would you love less or love more?  Knowing that when you die there is nothingness. There is the absence of you. You will have been but a vapor once here and dissipated into nothing. Is that factual that we are nothing? Can someone explain this death theory and what happens to our energy that holds together the atoms we are composed of?

What would you do?

That question has been asked for many upon many years. Science has tried to change prove, disprove and approve the disapprove to prove…. It is a big circle. What is the real answer to the riddle of life? Is there proof that we exist beyond our lifeless bodies? Is there a theory that someone can actually prove scientifically that we are real and not just a story once we take our last breath?….


Let’s break it down. Why do religious groups have war? Do atheists and non-believers kill others in the name of nothingness? Do non-believers have the courage to end their lives to make a statement to the world knowing that their existence is over when they blow themselves up? What drives a man of peace and love to be a martyr for their religion? If they are a person of peace what does killing have to do with peace? Don’t give me that bullshit answer for the greater good! If religion is there to help and minister to people Gods love and protect why are children being molested?

If a man standing in front of a crowd really cares about his people why does he put them down for being poor because they cannot contribute their last dollar? Am I missing something here? If I do not show up I get criticized, if I show up wearing the wrong outfit I get scolded and chased out. If I show up I don’t feel loved. Why then would I join a family of hypocrites? Pornography gives me love. Alcohol and Drugs calm me down. Gangs give me encouragement and protection.

The only judge in my life is myself in a dark room by myself when I try and meditate on who and what I am. The dark voice inside my head. What is that voice? Do we have an inner voice that knows right from wrong? DO we hold a special gift we do not know about? Why do we have intuition? Where did that come from? Explain that one to me religion and science…. Why is it when experience the in-explainable and when we go to the “correct” people to explain they tell you to have faith and to not question the things of God. Is that who God is? What if there was no God and we have all these wonderful gifts, and abilities, and all these amazing things we are capable of experiencing… We know we are powerful beings….. I know….it is the aliens… They inbred with us therefore we hold special gifts. Is that God? The aliens?

If there is nothingness after this something we are experiencing then why do I see visions of tomorrow? Why do people clearly see “things” that are moving and yet have nothing about them you can touch? What is that and where does it come from? The devil? I thought the devil wasn’t real?


Is there God? Where is he? Why are we afraid of him? If there is a God and he is about love why is there a hell? Why is he mad? Why is he jealous if I am told to love like God who loves unconditionally? Why is there war in the name of_____.

Why do you pray? And what do you pray for If You are supposed to be created in Gods image…. Arent you powerful? Knowing you are created in the image of an all powerful universal creator should increase your faith by un-measurable amounts….and yet you sit there unhappy, discouraged and full of fear. What good is religion if it doesn’t bring you happiness.

If I believed in God. I would be happy all the time. Fear would be my bitch because I know who is my essence.

That is the SIMPLICITY of Happiness,

Is it easy? No.

Happiness Tips

How to be Happy Alone

For many years I was afraid to be alone. I felt that if I was alone I wouldn’t be happy. That is why I am writing this post, How to be Happy Alone. There are so many reasons people justify being unhappy. One is they are lonely. The other is How to be Happy at work…. that is another post altogether. How to be Happy Alone is the main reason people fall in to depression. Loneliness is a big suicidal cause. Or at least the perception of being alone.

Fear is a root cause to many of our reasons we justify our unhappiness. Fear of being around anyone leads to alienating ourselves, which causes us to be alone, leads to depression and loneliness…. and so on. Being happy is only a perception we have to work on. Conditioning ourselves is work but it is very rewarding. We can decide to be happy right now and then the rest will take care of itself. Yea! It is that easy! But the work is hard. But with anything it takes hard work for us to enjoy greatness.

One thing is to surround yourself with positivism from the time you wake up in the morning. Go on Google Search Engine and type in “How to be Happy Quotes” and save them to your phone and read them everyday. You can always subscribe somewhere and get them emailed to you. If you want to learn how to be happy with yourself you need to learn how to love yourself. How to love yourself is a decision….Yes there it is again. A Decision. How to be Happy Alone is predicated upon you deciding to love yourself. I know I am repeating it over and over… That is how it is done. Conditioning of your mindset to learn How to be Happy!

I hope I gave you a little tidbit here on How to be Happy Alone. How to be Happy with Yourself and How to be happy with YOURSELF!

I Love You! there is material in my archived posts. I hope you will take the time to read.