how to be happy

How to be Happy – Get Back on Track

I hope all of you are doing well that are reading this post. I have not posted here since last October. I have been active on other social media sites like, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, You Tube and a couple of others. I have been mainly making picture/quote posting and videos. I enjoy writing most of all. I chose for the time being to make quick posts and videos. I felt at the time that expressing myself through live videos was free flowing and spontaneous.

I realized through the process of conquering my little anxiety, actually a fear of recording myself, was a process I needed to go through. I am very comfortable now recording myself. As I was going through that process I also realized another thing…. My writing was just as if not equally or more important. At times through this process I would look at my writing as an alternate mode of expressing my thoughts and quickly dismissed it as taking too much thought process and I could not make enough time for it. I started to build up a fear of writing like I did my recording videos. I started to believe that my writing was not good enough because of my perception that I did not have enough viewers or subscribers to read my website.

I was believing a false thought that because I see the amount of followers on the other social media sites so I figured it justified my perception that writing in the website was a waste of time and I was ready to delete the website.

Here is the truth. I believed that I needed to write better, and did not have time to improve. The reason to write better was all vain, I wanted more followers. It started to turn into me wanting to be popular and not about helping “one” person if that is all I accomplished with these efforts. That one person didn’t seem as important as me being recognized by the masses. That is a bullshit belief. Not that I was wholeheartedly believing that, but it did cross my mind a little bit.

Here I am. I love my writing. I don’t really give a rats ass about impressing anyone, but I do give a shit about impressing on you my thoughts and heartfelt writing expressing how I feel happiness needs to be a part of our lives in order to flourish in this lifetime. We need it more if not as equally as oxygen to breathe.

I have set up several ways to post and express myself here. I will be posting directly from my phone, and or sending picture quotes that I post on my social media sites. I will be also posting the videos. I hope all of you reading this will share my information to your friends and loved ones. I actually do not have an agenda to fulfill some kind of self glorification or otherwise…. I truly just want to share my soul.

Thank You if you are a regular, I appreciate you if you are a first time reader. I have links to a couple of my social media sites that you can follow and see all my other activities all directly related to happiness and not any other thing. I will not be spamming you. The only thing I offer is myself. My Love.

Why Am I Unhappy?

Why Am I Unhappy?

Why Am I Unhappy? I am unhappy for the excuses I make to justify feeling unhappy. I wake up every morning thinking of all the things that went wrong yesterday and what is bound to happen today. I think of all the people that are in my way and irritate the crap out of me. I think of the person next to me that does not love me anymore. I am unhappy because I feel sorry for myself and the situation I wake up to every day.
There are so many more countless justifications that I remind myself to keep me to be unhappy everyday all day long. At some point it will drive me crazy …. That is what is called a nervous breakdown.

How did we get this way?

Conditioning from a very young age? Life experience, trauma and or tragedy. There are so many situations that we allow to be responsible for our present day life. We become lazy and blame the easiest available thing or person and loved one. Instead of taking stock and owning the decision we made to be unhappy. You can list a page full of excuses to be unhappy and I can sing the praises of the reasons to be happy.

This is a journey we are on.

We are travelers experiencing different chapters in this wonderful trip we are on. We are writing a story for ourselves. Believe it or not we are in full control of the content. We can either write the story fully in control or we can allow others to have control of our story letting them place us as actors in theirs.
It is really simple to write your own happiness story. That is the only story we should focus on. The SIMPLICITY of Happiness story. We are the authors. We write it and no one else should be responsible for the content except ourselves. We struggle because of fear. We are afraid to be brave and adventurous. Find the hard roads to take. The hard roads are our passions and loves. The things that give us purpose. The situations that bring us joy and happiness. We are afraid to try those things that are perceived as too far reaching.
I have wanted to be a public speaker since I was very young. At one point I wanted to be a priest or a pastor because I thought that was an honorable way of helping people and I can still be standing in front of the masses to encourage and empower. I did that and it was not fulfilling. I did not feel myself. I was more stressed out. I am now a mentor of happiness. I am a Happiness Coach. I am whatever you want to call someone that wants to teach people the SIMPLICITY of Happiness to anyone and everyone.

I have my dream.

I have the reality that I want to transfer from a dream reality to a physical reality. I want to stand in front of hundreds of people at once speaking to their hearts. I thought that this feat was only through a physical sense. How naive I am. I can reach millions by speaking on the internet through different social media platforms. I still offer myself face to face. I want to be available to everyone.
I thought my dream was unattainable. I was not happy because I thought I was not good enough. I convinced myself it was impossible. So I started to believe this for years. One day I realized I can convince myself to believe the opposite. I was a very late bloomer when it came to my artistic ability. I was called an artist for the first time in my life when I was 43 years old. It was amazing. I believed I was an artist. I acted as an artist. Then I was in a gallery and I was thought of as an artist from that day forward. I created my own reality.
You can create your own happiness the same way. Believe, and then just be. Eventually your physical world will catch up to your dreams. Happiness will consume you because you will believe that is what you feel every day. Try it. If you want to know my step by step easy to follow program subscribe to my blog and I will send you the program for free.

I just want to help you be happy.

Let go of the fear and stop letting your life deteriorate. No one person or thing is worth your life if they don’t value you the way you value them.

What is my Life Purpose?

I am overwhelmed right now with the thought of how to structure my posts and words that I need to use to get more attention from you the reader. I am losing sight of what was the purpose for my blog in the first place. I do research and try to have a relevant post so anyone can understand and it flows. In the end it all doesn’t matter as long as I connect with you. If I am myself, eventually someone will view my writing as relevant and will connect with my thoughts and views. I do not really care whether the masses agree with me. I am speaking and writing on something that will help people. What I write will help the majority. Those who disagree can find someone else they can agree with. I want everyone to find a voice they can relate to because the important thing here is that we find something or someone to connect with that will help us change our mindset into a positive one.

I write from my heart, experiences and what I observe through my readings and conversations with people. I give the wisdom of my soul an outlet to teach people to love and learn how to be happy and have a life purpose. If what little I know is helpful I will be living an abundant fulfilled life. I have been finding out that the search engines are recording record numbers with the phrase “how to be happy”. Can you imagine?! People actually want to be happy. I thought this world was going to hell and a handbasket. I was losing all hope for humanity and was just waiting to die so I can either move on from this body or transition to nothingness. We do not have a choice in the matter. We are certainly going to die. Our waking conscious will stop. We will be out like a broken porchlight. The other side of that has always been a mystery. It isn’t like someone took a camera with them to prove the existence of another dimension that our energy transfers to and our conscious is aware.

Awareness of this reality we are living in and our perception of it is crucial in our lives. Do we just exist and live aimlessly or do we try and find a purpose for ourselves. If there is nothingness waiting for us what would we have to gain for finding purpose? Is it going to get us something in return? If we think that nothingness is waiting for us then there are no morals to worry about nor any fear or guilt. If we know there is nothing then what are we afraid of…? We should be happy. We should live our lives to experience whatever it is we want to and create for ourselves a wonderful experience. It would be selfish of us to disrespect the person next to us and ruin their experience in life if all we have is a one time around and then it is done. It would be horrible of us to create a toxic environment for our fellow human being if there is nothingness after we are finished and they were trying to make the best experience and it was tainted by your negative outlook and perception.

Our choices are clear. If there is nothingness at the end of our experience here then to decide to live a happy and positive life is the best thing to do because all we have is one go around. Experience life with respecting everyone around you feeling good about yourself and understanding that our mortality serves as a reminder that we have to decide correctly once. If we wake up the next day we have to understand we have another chance to be well. To experience amazing.

I truly believe we have been created and there is something and we have a life purpose. I feel connection to this world and everyone in it. I know that there is a something at the end of this. What I have seen and learned has given me a belief in something great.

I write to help you realize that happiness is the best choice to figure out your problems and focus on your life purpose. If you are happy you have a clear mind to help you focus on the answer. I write because I feel in my essence that we have a purposeful life and we need to figure it out, experience joy will open up the doors by attracting people that want to be around you and want to experience life the way you are. I write because my purpose is to help people, I am passionate about it. I am not a perfect person. I do not carry degrees to give me the authority, license nor do I need them in order to love and share to people what I am about. I am me and I love you.

I speak and share from the heart unconditionally. If you want to join me message me. Subscribe to my blog and get updates. Join our forum. Share this blog to everyone you know through your social accounts. We have to start healing from or negative mindset and stop wasting time and FIND your LIFE Purpose!

Depression Denial Treatment

Depression Denial Treatment

I have always been committed to helping people at a very young age. I always had an empathetic heart towards my fellow human being. Whenever I would come across a difficult situation with someone and an argument was surely imminent, I labored over the thought that the person I was about to have discourse over was going to have a negative feeling towards me after. I still feel that the only difference Is I know in my heart and soul that I cannot control the outcome I can only influence and come to a reality that my perception of the situation is going to dictate my outcome not the other party.

In my quiet time I will reflect often about all the people in my life I have had a relationship whether it be personal or work. I am cognizant of the fact that I have not always been a positive influence nor a generally nice person towards others at times in my experience. I made the decision to take a certain path in my life and I take full responsibility for the outcome. At times it was very painful when I knew there was impending hardship in my life and a relationship or relationships would be affected by my actions. I had no other choice but to harden my heart at that moment and move forward and away. Could there have been another avenue of thought or path to take? Certainly but in retrospect I could not have done things any other way at the moment. I only knew what I knew at the time. We can only work with what we bring to our conscious thought.

We have a tendency to hide behind our own truths, we do not choose to face the truths rather dwell in the pain and wallow in our self-pity that we are in that state of mind and we feel as if though there is no other way to think. Many of us are self-destructive when we are in a negative state of mind, not knowing is not as bad as knowing. Knowing that we are in the state of mind, having options to release that pain and yet deciding to remain in that mindset might seem ludicrous but it is actually a safe place for most. We teeter between insanity and sanity on a daily basis. Knowing that our destiny is for our bodies to one day shut down and expire can drive a person insane.Image result for depression denial treatment Our sadness about that impending outcome sets in a fear. We fear the reality that we will one day cease to exist on this earth. Most people let that fear consume them. This fear cannot be quenched if not faced head on. We try and pretend it is not there and numb it by outer stimulation or distractions. We are in denial. We are denial that we are in a depressed state of mind. We look for new ways to hide and mask that fear we drive ourselves to many different outlets for this pain.


It is a choice in the beginning to administer different ways to distract ourselves. We become accustomed to this way of thinking and eventually it becomes a routine in our lives. We condition ourselves to believe a certain way and it truly becomes our mindset. When we are approached by loved ones that want to make light of this destructive nature we lash out and deny there is anything wrong with us. We tell everyone we are feeling great and our actions say the opposite. It is obvious, everyone sees it. Our actions will cause pain for our loved ones and yet we are still in denial. We feel that everything we do is justified and that we are being attacked. We do not see that our actions are self-destructive.

How do we stop? How does our mindset change? How can we be convinced when we are closed to any and all reasoning? We can be in denial so much so that we do not believe that anything is wrong with us. If you are dealing with a loved one that fits this description you need to be aware that most times they are not self-aware. They need to be loved and listened to. They will eventually open up if you support them. There are severe cases where clinical depression is caused by physiological changes in the brain that will need medication to reverse this damage or condition along with therapy. I have described what you can do as a concerned party to alleviate or be supportive through this journey someone you love is on.Depression Denial Treatment Support

All we can do is love and support one another through our lives. Most if not all of the current depression and anxiety related conditions are treatable at all levels. We need to be aware of this so that if you know someone that is going through this you can help in some way. Or you can bring attention and awareness to them to get help. I was not aware that I was suffering from depression… I did not listen to people around me. I did not want to believe that something was wrong with me. I was in denial. I finally took a good look at myself because someone dear to me took a calm loving approach and made light of my situation, I listened and sought help.

I hope this in some way helped. I only write from the heart and in layman’s terms. I am not a professional nor do I claim my opinions are based out of a proven system of mine. I gather my thoughts and experiences and express my love and concern for this serious condition that I overcame with the love and support of others. I hope you can do the same if you are indeed in the same situation.

All my Love and Peace to all of You!