
I Am Better Than You! Stay Away!

I Am Better than You! Stay Away!!!
I am always being followed from place to place by this thing that lingers. It curses me at every turn and make fun of me every chance it gets. I am always arguing with it. I wish it would go away. I turn the corner and it is looking at me laughing at me because I can never run or move far enough to get away from it. The other day I was happy minding my own business and out of the blue it pops up and says hello. I was so upset because it came at the most inopportune moment. At that moment my life changed and I am now headed in a different direction. I am still happy but in a different direction!
I have a great plan and have all the answers and there it is glaring at me with its devious eyes. It is a disgusting looking thing. I don’t know how to explain it. It has no scent, it doesn’t look ugly nor does it look appealing. It is there. It knows how to use that transparency to hide. I cannot describe the impact it has on me when it decides to penetrate my being and change everything for that moment. I try to talk myself out of acknowledging its presence…but it is always there. It does not even touch me. I can be doing great and have success and it decides to walk in my space and I immediately doubt myself and I begin to fail. I begin to go against everything I am confident about. In truth it is very subtle. It makes small comments. It doesn’t even yell at me. It speaks under its breath. It is very quiet. But what it says is very impactful… I cannot stress how profound the language it uses. It is very convincing. All it does is plants a little seed in my head and that is enough for me to magnify the comment or thought a billion times. And then I duplicate it a trillion times in my mind. Literally a trillion times in my mind.
This stupid thing is very intelligent. It uses a little trick in our minds. It embeds itself inside our thoughts and at the most opportune moment it plants a little thought and we began to believe this thought and our “imagination” creates multiple scenarios for this little idea to become true. Then our physical bodies react to this belief that was created as an idea. And now our imagination is bringing forth an idea that becomes a truth. Redundant? Yes. This thing works on redundancies. Because we believe it as such and it will become. We believe it so passionately that it is so and our mind is focused on the idea.
We lose. Fear Wins. Fear is the beginning of the end. Fear has no friends. Fear is not negotiable. Fear creates stress. Fear creates negative momentum. When we doubt ourselves and build on that doubt the game is over, FEAR has kryptonite. LOVE and Happiness is Kryptonite to Fear. Love others unconditionally and be Happy. Happiness comes from Love. The two are hand in hand. Love yourself first. First and foremost look in the mirror and see you for who you are and accept that being and Love who you are immediately. Build amazing dreams based on who you are and your purpose. When Fear creeps its little head LOVE yourself and do not believe the lies. Use statements that start with I Am! I Am powerful. I am Beautiful. I Am Worth. I am amazing. I am a wonderful father. I am a wonderful wife. I am a wonderful employee. I am a talented musician. I am an inspiration to others. I am what I am and I love myself for who I am. Use the “I AM” and “I LOVE” to fight off fear. Fear uses I am NOT as a weapon. If you believe you are not you will lose.

I Am an Amazing Contributor to Humanity because I am Happy and I want others to be Happy.

I Love You!

Becareful what you attach to you “I Am”. It has the power to limit you or free you!

When you have time watch this YouTube Video series. “The Power of I Am” Video Series.

I Want To Be Unhappy!!!!

Is there any way we can be happy without effort. One day wake up and it is a feeling that we cannot run away from? Is there anyway where our learned trait and habits are that of a positive nature? Could we have success in transforming our mindset to that of loving all the time and not having a reason for it, with no effort and just because? What I know now in my present perceived reality is that there is little effort spent in being miserable. It is much easier to blame everyone else and including work, government, school, the milkman, the in-laws, and the person that cut you off this morning….. It is so easy and comforting to know we do not have to take accountability for our unhappiness. In the first place most of the time we have created our own damage to our psyche. We have conditioned ourselves to believe the perceptions we have allowed ourselves to listen to. There is a group of people that have visited Los Angeles this month from the Special Olympics. They did not choose their current state of being. Their being is perceived by the rest of the world as challenging and out of the normal in society, yet they are an amazing group of people performing amazing feats that a “normal” person cannot even begin to accomplish. They are truly special. They have attacked that exterior perception of themselves and internalized their view of themselves as amazing and powerful! If you watch any news reports about their games and see their faces, they are always happy. Are they challenged? Yes of course they are, but not in the way you think. They are challenged because of the general view of their state of being. They do know the difference between unhappiness and happiness. They do have a choice and know that either is available.

Effortless happiness is only achieved through quiet time or what is called meditation, or at least some inter thinking of ones being. Getting in touch with your essence so important if you are to find that internal happiness that is called love. We all have it inside us. It is our soul, essence, being, spirit, Conscious…..Yes conscious….. If we start to understand what we are about and how we are made we can stop suffering. WE will always experience. The perceptions of the experience will change. We can sort out the emotions and feelings and categorize them accordingly. We can wash our different negative states of mind with love and transform them into amazing experiences that strengthen us and shape who we can potentially be. It is hard work but worth the effort. It is harder to work towards that connection to our essence than to accept the vulgarity of pain and discomfort as “normal”.

I always tell people that they have a choice. To be happy or not. I always get the reply that I make it sound so easy. Where in that statement did I say it was easy? I said one or the other is our choice. The easy choice and most comfortable is unhappiness. There is no effort involved. No work. Just sit back accept and feel what the majority of the world is believing. Hard work is being uncomfortable, feeling the pain, conditioning you to something that is not”normal”. Inside us we have the drive that is our love for ourselves; a sense of the effort is good and just. We have a fire inside us that connects to the feeling of happiness and joy, when we experience it we do not feel our physical pains, we heal quicker, think logically, love everyone and it is reciprocated. We share our true inner selves with the world around us and it feels awesome!


Happy or Unhappy? Give it a try. I bet I am right. If I am not then don’t read this blog. I will still love you anyway.


Difficult People You Can’t Avoid

Here is a good topic. Difficult people you cannot avoid or get away from…  Is that completely true. Can we be in a situation where we cannot avoid or get away from someone? There are a few situations wheren you cannot avoid….. I will not sit here listing all of the situations. You know what they are. I experience all the time at many different levels in my life and I am sure you do too. sometimes I fall asleep in my understandings and teachings and fall prey to that stress. I create my own stress and start to believe the lies.

I deal with people with love. I love people regardless. I am very honest about the way I feel and do not mind sharing those feelings. I need to. Too many years I kept quiet because of fear or intimidation from the other that I would stay quiet. I refuse to stay quiet. I pick my battles and when I am sure what and when to say it I say it. Every once in a while I resist the urge to talk because I know it will cause pain to quite a few people.sometimes I put my foot in my mouth knowing I am going to learn a hard lesson and still remain focus and intent on making my point and waste precious moments with that ONE person that you will never win with. And when it is over I am happy I went through it as an experience to teach me. Grrrrrrr. It takes courage to admit our errors. Nothing and no one should have that power over us . We are a magnificent species that have inherent power. We do not use it because most people do not have an inkling of an idea that THEY exist in that way.

The power starts with love. We love everyone and that person that gets under your skin has no power over you. Don’t let them win. In reality most of those people do not have a clue they are upsetting you. So why are you wasting time?

I love you

The Power of Thought

You demonstrate success or failure according to your habitual trend of thought. In you which is stronger? – Success thoughts or failure thoughts? If your mind is ordinarily in a negative state, an occasional positive thought is not sufficient to attract success. But if you think rightly, you will find your goal even though you seemed enveloped in darkness.

You alone are responsible for yourself. No one else may answer for your deeds when the final reckoning comes. Your work in the world – in the sphere where you and your own past activity, has placed you – can be performed only by one person – yourself. And your work can be called a success only when in some way it serves your fellow man.

Don’t mentally review any problem constantly. Let it rest at times and it may work itself out; but see that you do not rest so long that your discrimination is lost. Rather use these rest periods to go deep within the calm region of your own inner self. Attuned with your soul, you will be able to think correctly regarding everything you do; and if your thoughts and actions have gone astray they can be re-aligned. This power of divine attunement can be achieved by practice and effort.