You demonstrate success or failure according to your habitual trend of thought. In you which is stronger? – Success thoughts or failure thoughts? If your mind is ordinarily in a negative state, an occasional positive thought is not sufficient to attract success. But if you think rightly, you will find your goal even though you seemed enveloped in darkness.

You alone are responsible for yourself. No one else may answer for your deeds when the final reckoning comes. Your work in the world – in the sphere where you and your own past activity, has placed you – can be performed only by one person – yourself. And your work can be called a success only when in some way it serves your fellow man.

Don’t mentally review any problem constantly. Let it rest at times and it may work itself out; but see that you do not rest so long that your discrimination is lost. Rather use these rest periods to go deep within the calm region of your own inner self. Attuned with your soul, you will be able to think correctly regarding everything you do; and if your thoughts and actions have gone astray they can be re-aligned. This power of divine attunement can be achieved by practice and effort.