Choose to be happy. 

If you want to be happy choose to be happy. Simple. If you want to maintain your happiness work at it. I know I say it like it is simple but the truth is making a decision is very simple. You think of the decision and you agree to take on the challenge and you go. The work is in the actual process. As with anything it takes work and earning the small victories. 

When we make mistakes at work or in sport we learn from them and we improve.
We study other people, listen to our mentors or coaches and practice. Same with
being happy. We watch our mentors, coaches and or people we admire and we see
how they do it and try and duplicate the efforts or take advice and apply in
our lives accordingly. It takes work.

Reprogramming your mental attitude, mindset and internal emotions is work.
It is a daily process where you have to have patience in changing your belief
system or processes. As I outlined above we have to practice. It is a repetitive
exercise in affirmations. We have to work our asses of to reverse the years of
negative input. We have to clean out the memories of negative perceptions.
Remembering the same experiences but instead tagging those experiences with a
negative classification turn those experiences into teachable moments and use
as references when you come across a similar event in your life, knowing that
you have the strength to overcome because you have been through it before and
you know how to avoid the pitfalls of repeating a negative perception.

I was told that people handle their problems differently and that I am
trying to convince everyone that they are unhappy. In the first place the wrong
in that statement is that the word problem is a negative perception. Problem
should be replaced with challenge or experience. If you think you have problems
and then you will continue to have problems. The more problems you think you
have the more feeling of being overwhelmed you will experience. It will feel
like you are being buried alive or drowned and gasping for air at the bottom of
a pool or ocean.

Change your perceptions. If you decide in your awake state of mind to just BE happy while you are experiencing different times in your life you will be able to deal with the “stressful” moments. You will already have a mindset of joy, dealing with a negative challenging moment will be easier. You will be able to make a better decision, resolve much quicker, have a clear mind to make a better choice in your plan of attack. 

Let me simplify it a little more as if I confused you. Be happy. Have a clear mind. Hard work. Reap what you sow, you will have the benefits of reserving that energy to heal your body, because the stress is not consuming all of it. You will have more energy because you will sleep better not staying awake worrying. You will be able to focus on your loved ones instead of spacing out while they are talking to you or avoiding them like the plague because of your anti-social behavior. I can go on and on. If you are going to die tomorrow, next week or in the next year or ten years don’t waste time spending your last days in a negative state of mind. 

Be Happy. I Love You.

It is NOT easier said than done. It takes work. Decide today. If you need
help deciding continue to read my blog, subscribe and maybe I might have the privilege
to encourage you.