I Am Responsible for my Life
We need to admit that we are responsible for our lives.
We have to stop blaming others for our experience. We have to grasp the fact that we have so much work to do. The work is in battling the mindset that is distracting us from our truths.
This topic I am writing about can be a book. I just want to summarize the obvious.
We are responsible for our lives. There come times when we might perceive events in our life to be out of our control and we Point blame. In these times of tragedy or loss we have to assess and step back to look at the life lost and the blessings that will come out of it. We grow and learn from every situation on our life journey.
If we always love and cherish moments with everyone around us there will be no regret of time lost. We have to respect the journey and life path others are experiencing. When we might be upset that another life has ended, the experience for them might be over and they will be moving in to something else.
Fear is a perception. Pain comes from our fears. Our fears take on endless forms. If we tackle the big fears of our lives we heal the bulk of them.
How do we address our fears? We work in the mindset that creates these fears. If we replace our anxiety with love and happiness there is a base for healing. Read my article on Stress and Tour Imagination. We have to always monitor our thoughts constantly. We have to protect ourselves from what we allow into our mind or how we perceive things that happen to us. By the way…. Things don’t happen to us we happen to ourselves.
As I said in the beginning of this article…. This topic alone can be a book.
I just wanted to remind everyone that life can be much easier if we just accept that we are responsible for our lives, and everyday we wake up it is an opportunity to change something to create a new experience. Everyday is a do-over. It is all about perceptions. Change your perception you change your mindset…And vice-versa.
Would you rather continue being a follower and letting your life be dictated by the perception that people are bad to you so it justifies being unhappy on different levels? Go ahead. I choose to thrive and grow because my experience is beautiful and I am full of love not wasting beautiful moments self defeating deteriorating emotions that are shortening my life.