do not be too upset about it


Some of the reasons we are always chasing our tail is because we always put lofty expectations on other people. We let ourselves be disappointed by the actions of others. We cannot control their actions! Quit putting your hopes in their hands. 

Give yourself the respect and decide for yourself that you are in control of your feelings towards anything and everything. Yes, life can be screwed up sometimes when you are experiencing the pain. The bigger picture is so much more amazing. We always become stronger in the aftermath. Life will march on with or without you. 

The clock spins fast. It cannot be stopped. We are very fragile. Our mortality hangs on a small balancing act. We must know this. If that does not compel you to choose to make a decision to take control and be happy then you should just jump off a bridge and end it! Ok. NO! That is not the answer. 

Sadly, many people take that option. Ending their lives because things are too hard for them. Blaming themselves. People that commit suicide or contemplate it do not see or hear anyone. They are silenced by their own voices screaming at them inside their head. All they want to do is rest. They want to quiet the voices torturing them. 

These voices are lies. Eventually the perception that they are helpless, and no one can help them becomes a reality and, in their minds “courageously” go to sleep. Was it the right thing to do? That is up for debate. 

I choose life. I choose facing my trials head on and looking for happiness always. I’ll re-create my reality over and over again until death chooses me, then I at least left looking for the best and fighting for peace of mind, teaching others to do the same in the process. I want to leave a legacy. 

Did I answer the question of anything in this post? I do not care. I want to send a message of my opinion of another example of how we can choose happiness over the alternative, not being happy. 

Rambling as usual! 

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