Life Will Go On

I do not even know where to begin with this entry. we are all in the same place in life right now. the world has stopped and we are scared.

some of us can find a silver lining in all of this madness. some of us are terrified to wake up to a cough or a fever. there is anxiety to come in contact with people…. the same people you look forward to see every day now cause a trigger of fear that they may be carrying death.

this is a sample of what i have been told by people close to me and strangers. it is a re-occurring theme. how are we suppose to see a positive in this life that is before us?

the bottom line we do not have control over what is happening around our environment and the leaders that control the laws and rules of what we live by. all we can do is control the quality of life we create for ourselves. we can allow a thought to overcome our conscious or develop a beautiful outlook of gratitude for what is in our life.

if you are reading this far you might understand what i am talking about. we are what we focus on. we are the creation of our fears or our faith. i truly believe that. i have gone back to the movie in my mind replaying my life and dissecting every positive and negative experience i have had. i know what thoughts and beliefs caused everything. i know for sure i am the cause of my experience in this life.

right now the world has stopped for most of us. we have time for reflection and awareness. what will we find out about ourselves? i wonder. every day i wake up to a quiet outside. i hear no cars, trains, planes and voices. even the dogs are quiet. the birds are louder, the breeze is clear. i can hear the neighbor fart next door. my perception of life right now is that everything needed to slow down.

the world was distracted and we took advantage and for granted everything in life. it was taken away in a matter of weeks. life stopped, loved ones died, work was taken away, our freedoms are limited to protect one another. our circle has been reduced to where we lay down our head to sleep.

wake up. this is our opportunity to wake up. live, laugh and love. take this time to see the world with eyes of gratitude. change your future. change your perception of your world. listen to your intuition and heart. there are less distractions. quit your bitching and moaning. life is different now. this is an opportunity for most of us to re-start and re-set.

life will go on.

Faith of a Mustard Seed

Here I am sitting in a coffee house observing people at from every walk of life. I am looking at the reactions of social interchanges amid the scare of a virus outbreak that is gripping the attention of the world and is changing how we interact. We already have so many fears as human beings this is just adding to the long list we focus on a daily basis.

In my thoughts I constantly focus on what is good and what is my expectation. I expect good all the time and a favorable outcome. My eyes are fixated on the best I can possibly feel. …… Side note…. as I write this someone walked by me coughing out without covering his mouth….. REALLY?! See the fear?…. So much for my favorable outcome. Am I scared of someone coughing? 🙂

There are so many variables to our thoughts and how we process our perceptions. We get hit from so many different directions that we always have to be ready. The only way we can be ready is by having ultimate faith that it is all going to be for the greater good. I am not going to sit here and quote bible scripture, eastern philosophy or any other belief system… what I will say that faith in anything is a determined focus creating a habit that will dictate our daily decisions on autopilot…

We do not have to think about the fears we focus on they just become automatic. We have so much faith we are not good enough, we will automatically avoid certain situations and challenges that might actually be good for us. But because we do not have the correct mindset to accept the new challenge we are so distracted and do not see the opportunity.

Faith plays a major role in our growth. Do you have faith? What is the faith you have? Where is your focus on? Do you focus on others that constantly judge you and set a bar/standard through their comments about you or at you are offensive and hurtful so you start to focus on their lies and bullshit that it causes pain and discomfort?

We have to set aside time to DE-fragment our brain, consciousness and mindset so we can root out all the negative that fills up our minds. We need to wind down with alone time. It does not have to be meditation, just be attentive to your thoughts. A conversation with yourself realizing what thoughts are there and removing them replacing them with something that is more useful, like gratitude.

It all starts with a decision to just be. Be happy. Have mental clarity and see everything differently.


Without Acceptance of who you are you will not move forward away from a previous toxic way of thinking. You will constantly regurgitate the old patterns of thought. Evolving is adjusting to the current environment that is believed. If we believe we are a negative we will evolve into negative. If we believe we are in a positive we will evolve into being positive. That is basic.

Doubt is always in our minds and it does not come from within. Doubt comes from outside influences. We watch and listen without thinking. Our subconscious mind always uses our senses to take note and record EVERYTHING. Our subconscious mind loves habits. it will attach itself to something we constantly think of. If we tell ourselves we are sick and you will become sick, it is guaranteed.

We are so primitive and weak at a conscious level. We are so gullible. Our subconscious mind is very powerful and does not know right from wrong. We can teach it anything we want to. We just have to be consistent. We are teaching it all day long for the good and the bad.

Accepting our weaknesses is key. Accepting what we do not like about ourselves is important. Focusing on what we want to change is where we should put our efforts. Not looking back at the past and what hurts us is where the work should be.

I have only scratched the surface to outline what is needed initially to evolve into a happier person. Contact me if you need help or assistance to understand more. I can also refer you to some more insightful content.

My Social Media Posts on Happiness

“With fame, you know, you can read about yourself, somebody else’s ideas about you, but what’s important is how you feel about yourself – for survival and living day to day with what comes up.” Marilyn Monroe

Steps to Happiness 1. #Acceptance of yourself 2. Change your #Perception 3. Have #clarity 4. #learn how to be happy 5. #practice happiness

how do you walk? looking up or down? you need to see where you are traveling in order to know where you are headed.

funny how we let our ego run our lives. the ego is not our enemy. the ego wants to protect us. stay comfortable and neutral. growth is in the unknown, risk and chance for a huge reward. let go of fear.

sometimes i feel trapped in this situation. then i remember every situation has an opportunity to love and share being an expression and a light. so i pull my head out of my own ass and start from there!

when you wake up what is your focus? are you living intentionally? or are you letting life happen?

sometimes my soul screams for people that are suffering from their own self inflicted prison. they have the key to get out. in a cell with the key! wow

why would you let somone manipulate your emotions to mimic theirs?

the life we get is a chance to be great. being great is making yourself happy not anyone else.

words can be precious, dangerous, nasty, beautiful, horrible, scary, lifegiving, death, empowering, inspiring, detrimental and so on. your intent is the key.

man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.” –Mark Twain

if you are asking for peace and love in your life you need to give it.

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