How to be Happy – Dig Deep

When it gets rough dig deep.

When i teach people about happiness and work with them I am not instigating every interaction with them. I tell them from the beginning, I do this for free and because I am passionate about getting the best out of them. I feel if you want to put In The work to strive to be better you have to WANT to. If you are coming to me I am the last resort. Someone has led you to me or you have come across my content and have no where else to go.

Step one. Acceptance. From this point forward you have acknowledge the state of mind you are In. You have accepted everything about yourself because of that state of mind.

Step two. Perception. You have to work towards changing your perception about who you are and how you see yourself. (Same thing). This is Work. I am not going to hold your hand nor enable you. I am not going to call you 5 times a day because you ignore me. It is up to you at this point.

Step 3,4 and 5 are a long way off. If you want to know how to be happy and stop with the bullshit excuses contact me. I would love to help. Let’s face this together. Life is passing you by.

Be careful by the time you decide I might be right it might be too late I’ll be dead.

You have to dig deep cutting through all the crap in order to find yourself.

How to be Happy – Be Honest With Yourself

How to be Happy – Be Honest with Yourself

I have not written in this blog since last year in October. Sometimes I feel that people are too busy swiping through all the social media sites and find it hard to spend a few minutes looking at a blog. I was getting ready to delete this platform all together. I decided to take a different approach. I will use this as my journal of life. From this point forward it will be my place to get it all out. If you are currently a reader you will see into my daily thoughts. I hope through this platform and change in my approach it will help you knowing there is someone else that you can relate to.

The platform or philosophy I live by is that of the only thing I can control is my happiness. Since this is the ultimate goal in everyone’s life I figure it is the greatest subject to write about. It is what I teach to colleagues, employees, family, friends and strangers I meet. I have a list of people I work with on an ongoing basis helping them discover something in themselves that they can count on to be happy everyday.

I teach happiness. I am not perfect. I still go through bouts of a little anxiety here and there. I choose to ride through the emotion of it and I know all too well it is not me and does not define me. I just experience the thought and emotion passing through my awakening conscious. This depressed state of mind does not match with my essence nor does my soul relate in anyway to this mindset. It is a bullshit lie. It is a waste of time and energy.

What does annoy me is people that are emotional bullies. People that are controlling for whatever reason. I use to feel sorry for them and want there attention and there approval. For whatever reason I don not know. I am sick of these type of people and I have removed them from my life and I have kept them at bay. I do not feel guilty nor am I sorry I experienced a portion of my life with them. I appreciate all of those relationships because they have shaped who I am today.

If you want to talk about some bullshit we can talk about that type of person. I have tried to reach out to these people and help them with their unhappiness or lack of happiness. Sad to say these type of people are in denial and all you can do is love them and love them from afar sometimes. You can try as much as you want but in the end you have to keep your distance.

Our mental state of mind is the most important because that is what we have control over. We can be the example and show others what happiness looks like but if they do not want to see what is bright in you then there is nothing more you can do. Sometimes it is painful to see someone you love suffer.

Good Luck!


How to be Happy – Die Trying

How to be Happy – Don’t Give Up

I write in my blog once every so often because I am constantly posting my thoughts and discussions on Instagram, Facebook and when I feel like it on Twitter. You can find my social media here….

I hope you have a chance to visit my sites for more information. I love reaching out to people who are looking for answers as to how to be happy and or learn. As we go through our daily lives experiencing the different emotions we go through….. we sometimes lose sight of our delicate state of mind. It is always a balance between standing on the edge of a cliff or walking across the bridge. We do not realize that we must trust our heart and soul to guide us. Jumping off a cliff trusting that the safety net will always be there or we grow wings, or deciding to walk across with the knowledge and trusting in the process.
Working hard in the process to give ourselves a chance to live a quality life is a commitment we should all try and pursue. A quality life is only achieved through a happiness mindset. We must have clarity to learn happiness. Clarity is only achieved through changing your toxic mindset.
The 6 steps we need to take are so easy to identify the process is like preparing for an Ironman Marathon.

Steps to Happiness:
• Acceptance
• Perception
• Clarity
• Learning
• Practice
• Teach

I use these steps in the philosophy I teach. It is very basic in premise but the work must be put in. It is a very simple process but just like training for a marathon….. the steps are simple but the training is rigorous. You can continue to take the easy road to the end of your life and continue to suffer with the perceptions you currently live in or you can train hard for a brief time and have the rest of your life to enjoy your new state of mind.

Contact me if you are interested in learning more. I would be willing to give you the first week as a gift. Most people I work with just need a week. Fear is always one of the things we bring up when working through this process…… if you are afraid to ask me for help you have identified the first thing to work through!

Hope to hear from you soon.

Why am I Unhappy?

Why Am I Unhappy?

I am unhappy for the excuses I make to justify feeling unhappy. I wake up every morning thinking of all the things that went wrong yesterday and what is bound to happen today. I think of all the people who are in my way and irritate the crap out of me. I think of the person next to me that does not love me anymore. I am unhappy because I feel sorry for myself and the situation I wake up to every day. There are so many more countless justifications that I remind myself to keep me to be unhappy everyday all day long. At some point it will drive me crazy ….

That is what is called a nervous breakdown.

How did we get this way? Conditioning from a very young age? Life experience, trauma and or tragedy. There are so many situations that we allow to be responsible for our present day life. We become lazy and blame the easiest available thing or person and loved one. Instead of taking stock and owning the decision we made to be unhappy. You can list a page full of excuses to be unhappy and I can sing the praises of the reasons to be happy.

This is a journey we are on. We are travelers experiencing different chapters in the story of this wonderful trip we are on. We are writing a story for ourselves, Believe it or not we are in full control of the content. We can either write the story fully in control or we can allow others to have control of our story letting them place us as actors in theirs.
It is really simple to write your own happiness story. That is the only story we should focus on. The SIMPLICITY of Happiness story.

We are the authors of our story. We write it and no one else should be responsible for the content except ourselves. We struggle because of fear. We are afraid to be brave and adventurous. Find the hard roads to take. The hard roads are our passions and loves. The things that give us purpose. The situations that bring us joy and happiness. We are afraid to try those things that are perceived as too far-reaching.

I have wanted to be a public speaker since I was very young. At one point I wanted to be a priest or a pastor because I thought that was an honorable way of helping people and I can still be standing in front of the masses to encourage and empower. I did that and it was not fulfilling. I did not feel myself. I was more stressed out. I am now a mentor of happiness. I am a Happiness Coach. I am whatever you want to call someone who wants to teach people the SIMPLICITY of Happiness to anyone and everyone.

I have my dream. I have the reality that I want to transfer from a dream reality to a physical reality. I want to stand in front of hundreds of people at once speaking to their hearts. I thought that this feat was only through a physical sense. How naive I am. I can reach millions by speaking on the internet through different social media platforms. I still offer myself face to face. I want to be available to everyone. I thought my dream was unattainable. I was not happy because I thought I was not good enough. I convinced myself it was impossible. So I started to believe this for years. One day I realized I can convince myself to believe the opposite.

I was a very late bloomer when it came to my artistic ability. I was called an artist for the first time in my life when I was 43 years old. It was amazing. I believed I was an artist. I acted as an artist. Then I was in a gallery and I was thought of as an artist from that day forward. I created my own reality.

You can create your own happiness the same way. Believe, and then just be. Eventually your physical world will catch up to your dreams. Happiness will consume you because you will believe that is what you feel every day. Try it. If you want to know my step by step easy to follow program subscribe to my blog and I will send you the program for free. I just want to help you be happy. Let go of the fear and stop letting your life deteriorate. No one person or thing is worth your life if they don’t value you the way you value them.

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