How to be Happy – Change 

If you want to live your life as you are now don’t change a thing. I am sure you are happy with your life and it is fulfilling. If that is you then do not continue to read. 

The first thing you need to do in order to make a drastic change in your life is to decide on one thing……. decide to be happy. I am sure most people reading this statement think it is easier said than too be done. Yes that is true. But weightlifting to change the aesthetics of our body takes time to see results. It takes hard work and some sacrifice. The only sacrifice you have to endure is the fear you have in your mind to start. 

Making a decision to be Happy is courageous. Accepting that your fear is there, accepting who you truly are at the present moment and then having gratitude for everything you have. You have a chance to start over. You woke up with another opportunity to change and be someone different. Why would you be afraid of that? 

Ultimately we have total control of our perception of the present moment we are in. We can either accept it as what we have made ourselves to be up until his point and going forward it is time to work on change……. or we continue the same with the awareness we could have changed but thought it was too much work and or afraid of the new unknown journey it would take you on. 

The decision is yours. 

How to be Happy – Learn about it

How to be Happy – Force it at First

How to be Happy – Force it at First

I often tell people to wake up every morning and practice being happy for the first hour after they wake. Most that I challenge with that cannot last the first few minutes without their minds thinking about the challenges they are posed with on a daily basis. They are inundated with all the “what ifs” and the self-criticisms. That is the majority of people. It usually takes someone a week to even get used to the idea of being happy for an hour. It takes work. Forcing yourself to be happy is like weightlifting. You go light weight and add a few pounds every week. You have to get your body used to a lighter weight until it is comfortable for to increase.
Like any training regime if you are not patient and you try and go beyond what you are capable you will fail and hurt yourself. In the matter of happiness the failure will result in depression or anxiety over the thought of not allowing yourself to clear your mind. That is where someone like me comes in. I assess all the thoughts that are blocking your breakthrough. Once you get through the 5 hours you are creating a positive habit in the brain or your subconscious. It is very challenging but once it is accomplished it becomes easy. You will have to force yourself to be unhappy. If you have any questions about this method please inquire I can explain further in detail. Email me at

How to be Happy – Lead by Example

When we get a job we are excited to start the first day. We are happy that we landed the job we were trying so hard to attain. We start our first day with dreams of success and growth. We do our very best to be a quality employee contributing so that we can move up based on our merit.

For some people this dream and hope is crushed by one person…. The boss. This boss can be a direct supervisor or manager. A team leader or senior worker in a certain department. Upper Management doesn’t see the problem. They usually are oblivious to the problem. The person in charge is trusted with the care of the department and more than likely gives their direct report a sense that everything is under control. The person being harassed or treated unfairly usually does not say anything because of the backlash. So they continue to arrive every day in a state of mind of necessity. They have to keep the job so they keep their mouth shut.

To me this is disgusting. Why is this behavior tolerated? IF you are in Management and you have a peer or co-worker on your team mistreating his employees and taking advantage of their position and you are staying quiet you are just like that person. You are allowing this behavior to continue. You are contributing to a growing culture of intimidation and bullying in the work place. Speak up. People have a right to go to work happy.

Leadership is by example. The culture changes when the employee is treated with dignity and respect and a reciprocation occurs organically.

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