How to be Happy – Appreciate the Storm

How to be Happy – Just Be

How to be Happy – Take a Shower

If you want to be Happy you have to take a shower every morning. You have to shower yourself with Love. When you start your day you have to have gratitude for waking up and everything you are and have at that moment. We are so fortunate to be. If you are reading this, and you have a choice what to put in your mind you have a certain level of freedom that alot of people on this earth do not have. Be thankful for the freedom to express and appreciate. 

We are so selfish we think of our own pain. Our perception of pain is trivial as compared to that of a homeless person or child. Our pain is of a material nature. We long for things we don’t have. Some people have the pain in their belly of not eating for weeks at a time. We need to have gratitude and behave like we are thankful. Be thankful. 

Does his make you angry? Don’t read this blog. Don’t love unconditionally and give your heart to your fellow man. Continue on your destructive path of self pity and selfish adoration of your materialistic needs. 

If you want to change? Change! Love your neighbor, forgive and love a relative you THINK you have a reason enough to be mad at. Smile at a stranger. Give to a charity. If you are addicted to social media and the drama, post positive messages everyday and tell people how awesome they are when they post about how they are hurting instead of poking fun and demolishing their self esteem. Most people on social media these days just read and are hoping to find something to stimulate them in a positive way. 

Are you getting the message yet? Take a shower everyday in love. Start your day by smiling at the beautiful person in the mirror. 

How to be Happy – Love The Rest of my Life 

I have had a long and fruitful life full of amazing memories. I am thankful for all the wonderful experiences I have been blessed to have had along the way. I have lived, loved and lost. Some people say it would be a lie to say there are no regrets. I look at my life differently than that. All of my experiences I have had have made me the person I love today. 

So many people have had an impact on my life and I love all of them. I have been fortunate enough to have been entrusted with the heart of individuals seeking help from me. When someone asked for spiritual or life guidance it is a humble honor to be that person of influence and or love and guidance. This I do not take lightly.  Helping others by influencing in a positive way is my purpose. 

If you have helped anyone in your life whether it is in a mentoring capacity or just giving advice you know that all it takes is to be in a better place over them to be qualified. If they come to you and ask you ?…. Please give. Do not be afraid to give of yourself. Do not be intimidated by the thought that someone is entrusting their life in your hands. They are offering you a chance to work with them to heal. That is an honor and a privilege. 

We cannot let society and the trend of everything else get in the way of doing the right thing and that is to live for another in a capacity where we are willing to cry for one another in love and compassion not in a judgmental state of mind. Receive one another in love that we may be able to heal daily because we are there for one another. 

I hope this has helped in some way. The Redt of our Lives should be that of Love, unconditionally. 

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