This is not Goodbye

My sister is dying. All of the teaching I do for people doesn’t mean shit at this moment. All the bullshit I teach is a foreign language to me. For this moment I want to be selfish and cry. Cry for the pain I will feel. Weeep for the anguish my nieces and nephews will feel after they lose their mother. 

My love for her is unconditional. I love all of my family the same. This woman has overcomed so much in her life. She is a wonderful soul. She is my angel. I reflect in the love she has for me. The unbounded   Endless love I feel from her I know she will always be with me . I can’t fathom being without her alive in my life. She is ready. She wants to rest and be with our loved ones that have left before her. 

I have lost so many people in my life some I have lost and they are still alive. My fear of my own mortality looms everyday and drives my passion for helping people not waste their days contemplating their own fears preventing them from happiness. 

I am calm now. I am thankful. I will spend whatever time there is with her. I will support everyone. I will love unconditionally. I will love eternally. I will exhume love from The tip of my toes to the top of my highest hair follicle from my head. The love I have has to be pure putting aside all the worldly disgust I have for the imperfections I might see in others character only because they remind me how much of a piece of shit I am myself. I will not be a judgemental hypocrite. 

Life is now. Our time to live is now. We have this moment in time to love one another because tomorrow might not come. 

I Love You so much my beautiful amazing big sister! I am on my way. 

Why Am I Lonely Being Happy?

Why Am I Lonely Being Happy? I am dying inside right now. The people I love the most are sad and I fight to be happy every day. I surge in my high energy levels counting the moments for the next awesome encounter with helping someone. But on the flipside I carry the burdens in my heart of the sadness my loved ones feel. I wake every morning committing to be an example to them showing them that it is done by making a choice. I end the day hoping I was enough. I wake the next morn with a do over.

The pain thresh hold is usually higher for me than the normal person. I forgive and give love. I watch the people I love tell me how much they love me, and how everything is wrong with me and they are doing great. Although I accept and adopt my philosophy of “I cannot control them” It still quite frustrating and hurtful that they are in denial and I end up being the culprit. I smile. I laugh. I cry. I encourage throughout all of the life lessons we experience every day. I err in judgement and live to try it again. I make a decision that I lose a payday over…but have another chance to regain my composure and do it again. To love once more. To embrace the differences. To live free of judgement.

The road to self-discovery is rough. The journey to enlightenment is sometimes lonely. Along the way you lose contacts and alienate yourself from the comfortable position of misery. Misery surely comes with a participating audience. We are prone to join through association. The choice is always ours the pressure of inclusion is so powerful we experiment and join. The experience in that mindset is very easy and fluid because everyone is a part of it and you do not feel uncomfortable. The discomfort comes when you are the different one smiling. You look like an oddball hugging and kissing everyone. Praising everything and anyone. You find beauty in everything and cannot hold back but to share with everyone…. “Crazy” is your nickname. You add to it by trying to be the example. Alienating yourself.

The frustration ends for me here. As I write and reflect. I part this article appreciative of the wonderful opportunity to give you my love and encouragement that we are here. I am here. Write me if you need assistance, support and counsel. Life doesn’t have to feel lonely among a giant group around you because you are happier. We can connect and join a community to remind yourself we are good. We are relevant for anyone. We love unconditional and forgive endlessly. This brings peace to our forsaken world.

What is Unconditional Love?

What is Unconditional Love?

Unconditional love is known as affection without any limitations or love without conditions. This term is sometimes associated with other terms such as true altruism, or complete love.

I am writing to describe how we perceive unconditional love. When I ask people what they think unconditional love is they respond so negatively. People seem to think loving without boundaries is a bad thing. I think we let our ego take over and that is what causes pain. We are so quick to judge one another and the wall begins to keep us apart.

We are a loving species. We re-create one another through love, we heal through love, we love emotionally and deeply. We hurt and feel so much pain when we lose love. Love is such a huge word to discuss.

I want to detail my specific take on unconditional love. I want to share how Accepting ourselves Unconditionally is Love at its highest level. Accepting how and who we are is strength. Loving ourselves unconditionally is fearless love. We can grow from the point we accept ourselves in this way. Most of us look in the mirror and are not happy with what we see. We are so imperfect in our own eyes and yet we do not see how perfect of a creation we are. We are capable of creating anything we want to.

The most perfect creation is our mind. We are creative beings. The mind is capable of so much power…. The power to heal, the power to create, the power to feel. We have the power to have a voice and a choice for ourselves. We also have the unique ability to forgive. We have a choice to love our-self.

If we do anything in this life we have so short of time…. to love ourselves is the primary thing we need to focus on. The world is in a bad place because people are very unhappy. They are unhappy because they cannot accept themselves. It is a vicious cycle. Quit making excuses. Love yourself. It is very simple. Your life could end tomorrow. You are wasting time. There are so many people that want to try…. you get in their way because you infect them with your negativity. If you care about your loved ones wake up and love yourself so that you can be that example.

I Love You.

A Strategy for Happiness

A Strategy for Happiness

A Strategy for Happiness

We think that happy people and unhappy people are born that way… Both will do and live in a way that strengthen those mindsets. Happy people will continue to enjoy the mindset that helps them thrive and enjoy life. Unhappy people will continue to think negatively and self-destruct doing and accepting things to upset them.

How does a successful business operate? They have a plan and purpose for their business. They have defined their purpose and created a strategy to accomplish that purpose. The same approach can be used by people in their daily lives. Define what it is you want and create a strategy to attain it.

When a business has a planned strategy they have a buy in from their employees, they are passionate about the purpose. Everything they do in their daily operation is geared towards taking strides towards attaining the goal. Every challenging moment in the business is just another experience as a lesson to gain knowledge for improvement. All of the decisions are measured and recorded to teach the employees that the failure is a steppingstone towards success. In order to succeed you have to know what failure is. I say again…. In order to appreciate the successes you have to know what it feels like to fail.

On a personal perspective you have to have a life purpose and passion. Waking up every day knowing that you are passionate about something and you will do anything to get there. The first task involved in getting there is the mindset you will adopt daily. A true positive mindset is key in every success. To be happy every day with a purpose is so important. It gives you sustainability and strength. Nothing will get in your way. The energy you will need to fulfill your purpose is the passion you have. Life is full of experience. You cannot control what is externally influencing you on a daily basis. What you can control is the perception you have towards it.

We have to take a student’s mindset in life. We will take tests and fail but we get a chance to study more and the next day take a retake and pass. IF we wake the next day we will take into the new day the experience we need to succeed. The mindset we need to have every day is that we have a new day when we wake a new.

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