Your Life has a Purpose

Your Life has a PurposeYou weren’t born to just exist. Everything you do in your life affects another life. You are the beginning of a ripple effect. You are domino number one in a chain of events. You can be the beginning of someone’s existence, you can be the reason for an end. 
You might think you have lived a meaningless life working endless hours and never having a personal life. Working and coming home late and leaving early… You might think your purpose was wasted and you were working to no end. While you were at work you might have had a positive conversation with a coworker or was an example to someone that motivated and encouraged someone and changed the course of their life. 
We can have a small interaction with someone and say a few words that can profoundly change someone for the better. Before you tell yourself you life is meaningless think of how many conversations you have had with ANYONE! 
We are special to someone. We are a rock to someone’s life. Someone in your life sees your life like no ones else does. You are someone’s lighthouse. Where there is darkness there is you lighting their way. 
You are always on stage. Even if you live under a rock there is an ant that is keeping warm from your body heat. 
Wake up! You matter. Everyday you get to wake up there is a new opportunity to create a positive experience. Choose your moments wisely. Give your audience something amazing to watch! Be a star. Love yourself so that you will have the tools to love someone else. Forgive yourself so that you will have the courage to forgive others. Have faith in yourself so that you can trust others. Look into your own eyes so that you will know what your soul is trying to tell you. 
There is no such thing as fear. Fear is a lie. You have a decision to perceive life as you want. Everything is for the good we are all special and amazing. 
I Love You 

I Am Responsible for my Life

I Am Responsible for my Life
We need to admit that we are responsible for our lives. 
We have to stop blaming others for our experience. We have to grasp the fact that we have so much work to do. The work is in battling the mindset that is distracting us from our truths. 
This topic I am writing about can be a book. I just want to summarize the obvious. 
We are responsible for our lives. There come times when we might perceive events in our life to be out of our control and we Point blame. In these times of tragedy or loss we have to assess and step back to look at the life lost and the blessings that will come out of it. We grow and learn from every situation on our life journey. 
If we always love and cherish moments with everyone around us there will be no regret of time lost. We have to respect the journey and life path others are experiencing. When we might be upset that another life has ended, the experience for them might be over and they will be moving in to something else. 
Fear is a perception. Pain comes from our fears. Our fears take on endless forms. If we tackle the big fears of our lives we heal the bulk of them. 
How do we address our fears? We work in the mindset that creates these fears. If we replace our anxiety with love and happiness there is a base for healing. Read my article on Stress and Tour Imagination. We have to always monitor our thoughts constantly. We have to protect ourselves from what we allow into our mind or how we perceive things that happen to us. By the way…. Things don’t happen to us we happen to ourselves. 
As I said in the beginning of this article…. This topic alone can be a book. 
I just wanted to remind everyone that life can be much easier if we just accept that we are responsible for our lives, and everyday we wake up it is an opportunity to change something to create a new experience. Everyday is a do-over. It is all about perceptions. Change your perception you change your mindset…And vice-versa. 
Would you rather continue being a follower and letting your life be dictated by the perception that people are bad to you so it justifies being unhappy on different levels? Go ahead. I choose to thrive and grow because my experience is beautiful and I am full of love not wasting beautiful moments self defeating deteriorating emotions that are shortening my life. 

My Soul is Fearless

I find myself afraid of my creative soul sometimes. It wants to do what I am afraid of trying. I talk to my soul to find out what direction to go in and it points towards the unexpected. The dreams and vision my soul has for my me is too high and the person my soul sees as fulfilling this dream cannot be me! I question myself. I am unsure if my ability to measure up to my soul. I ignore it. I continue being sub-par. I continue to just get by. My soul is angry and it feels trapped in a cage. I get sick because of the turmoil inside of me. My moods are not normal because I cannot tap into the wisdom of God that is in my spirit. I try and figure it out with my conscious efforts knowing that the truth is inside of me. In order to listen to my soul I have to be brave. My soul is fearless. It wants to fly without wings. It wants to walk on water. It wants to walk through fire. It wants to punch Mike Tyson in the face. My soul is instinctively courageous. My soul wants to create the unimaginable.

Everyday I contemplate what my life would be like if I just listen and follow instructions. My passion resides in my soul. My soul intimidates me. My soul is powerful and fearless. I am more afraid to not listen and at the end of my journey I will spend the last few moments in regret.

Oh my soul direct my path… I Love You and Trust You.

I Am Not A Hypocrite

I have not written in a while. I am not a hypocrite. I would
not feel right if I posted something to try and encourage all of you when I
feel like shit and am going against all my own advice. I know who and what I am
I am to not pretend to be someone I am not. I have been challenged to say the
least in my mind. I have taken on the mindset of a whining complaining little

I am 50. I have my health. I have wonderful children. I have
my mother still alive and healthy full of life. What the heck am I letting this
stupid depression and anxiety kick my ass. I can sit here and make excuses that
it is out of my control. That is what the psychos told me in the past. I was
prescribed all sorts of medications to deaden that voices in my head. I turned
into an emotionless person. I just lived my days to get to the slumber hour.
When I woke the next day is when I had to do it all over again. I practically
ignored all of my amazing experiences because I did not want to experience all
those variety of emotions.

I want to feel the sadness and be challenged with turning
that emotion to happiness and appreciation because I chose to. I want to feel
the pain of tragedy because I want to appreciate what I had before the loss and
be thankful for having it.

We are in a society where we feel entitled. We feel that
everyone owes us something and we always want to blame someone for our pain. We
do not take responsibility when someone does not want to associate themselves
with us any longer. We want to be blunt and “ourselves” not thinking of the
people around us who are affected by our actions.

We should all have our own identity and be ourselves but
there is a time and place for everything. We sit on our high horse judging everyone’s
actions and lives as if we are grading others around us and our lives are given
a free pass. How disgusting it is for others to sit back and act as if they did
not know someone is affected by their behavior and selfishness. How ridiculous
is it for a group or an individual to impose their beliefs on others as if they
are right and the world is wrong. It is a difference of opinion.

I get angry at humanity because everyone wants to act as if
the other person is at fault for the world’s problems instead of taking responsibility,
holding themselves accountable and taking action to improve themselves and the
world around them. With technology today everyone finds it easier to hide behind
their keyboard and send cryptic anonymous messages attacking others. I respect
the true protestors that put themselves in harm’s way in order to make a
statement. A statement with non-violence. A statement against wrong.

Where are we headed? I make all of these observations and
statements in this article and probably sound like I am upset and angry. I am
not. I am n to a hypocrite. The more I experience the pain of my fellow human
being suffering the more I have to feel love and compassion. I cry in my heart
for everyone to love more. I scream for people to just give a little. To hold
back from judging one another.

We all have our faults. Own them. Have some compassion and
understanding for one another. Love one another and be forgiving. Do not judge
so quickly. Do not be a hypocrite.

I offer my life as an example. I offer my humble truth to
hopefully teach someone to deal with life differently to ultimately be happier.
My passion in life is to teach others happiness.

I Love You. 

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