Stress and your Imagination

Stress and Your Imagination. 

Sometimes the thought of an event or situation happening can
be enough to give you a heart attack. I know there have been many situations in
my life where I got myself all worked up for a time in my life where I did not
need to be worried about. We want everything to be ok and we hope for the best
but we sometimes if not most times imagine an outcome that is far removed from
the actual result.

We spend hours and lose sleep over worrying that it will be a certain way…. When in reality the outcome is out of our hands only the perception of how we feel about it is in our control. Events and situations are just that, the stress attached to those things are out of our imagination. We do not need to feel if we do not want to. 

To prove to you that this is the case….think of how many time you have felt stress over something that never materialized or, if it did materialize, ultimately turned out to be to your benefit. If you only knew from the beginning that it would have turned out in your favor, how much more pleasant could your life have been? That is the way you can approach all situations. 


You should not be surprised at whatever you see or hear….. If you are ready to accept things as they are, you will receive them as old friends. 

­­-Shunryu Suzuki

To come to this state of mind takes work. Like weight
lifting you have to put forth some effort. Small exercises daily practicing the
changi9ng of your perception towards situations and events in your life. The
daily repetition of accepting yourself as you are in any place. Accept that you
have arrived there and then decide to take a different course. Decide you want
to climb Mount Everest and succeed. To climb that mountain takes training, hard
work, commitment and determination. You have to live fearlessly.

Changing a comfortable perception and way of thinking is
scary. It takes courage. Most people cannot just do it for themselves, they
need help. I know for myself I have always attributed any successes to my
courage to accept the help from someone else. The letting go of pride to listen
and learn. The teaching sometimes came from the most unorthodox places. We have
to look outside of our own understanding and trust our instinct and intuition.
We have to love ourselves first accepting who we are.


Another part of a strong and healthy philosophy that allows us to create happiness in our lives has to do with how we look at obstacles. One of the reasons that any obstacle in your life is so that you can grow from it and become strong. You know the old saying that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Well, you’re only as strong as your area of greatest weakness. 

Our greatest anxiety comes from imagining a bad result
coming from a situation in our life. Anxiety and stress turns into physical
illnesses and issues. We are killing ourselves by reducing our ability to heal
from this stress by overloading ourselves with this burden. If we were happy
and laughing in the face of adversity we could be alleviating the stress we
have on us and healing. Our bodies will have the energy and resources to fight
off disease and negativity in our environment. We would have the strength to
help others. 

How to Make Money from Home

How to Make Money from Home?

How to Make Money from Home?

I am a very happy person but I want to make money now. I
want to make a lot of money! I want to make money so that I can take time off
and enjoy my happiness. Not I need more money to be happy. I want to make more
money in order to have mo0re time to myself and my family and enjoy the
happiness I already feel!

There are many ways to make more money but all of the ways take
hard work and commitment! The commitment of maybe investing money to start an
online business. Network marketing you have to invest monthly in order to
maintain a product. Most often than not it is an average of 100-150 dollars a
month not including the startup business buy in. IF you want to venture into an
inventory carrying business you have to naturally buy the product in order to
sell. There is online drop shipping businesses. There are affiliate businesses
that require familiarity with what you are selling and more than likely quite a
bit of research to get to know the system. Something like that.

Then there are other ways to make money online. By the way I
have tried all of the above. It isn’t that I failed at the business above it is
just that it did not feel right. I was not passionate about either one of them.
There was not a sense of excitement for me to invest my time. I already walked
away from my career last year to pursue my passion of painting when I want,
visiting and being available for my family. I left my 9-5 knowing that there
was a hope on the horizon. I left my career knowing in my heart it was the
right thing to do and I do not regret one day. I struggle every month to make
the bills, the payback is I do not have a demanding schedule. I make my money
when I want.

Here is one way to make money I have found. I am so excited
about it I had to write about it here. And I promised myself never to sell
anything on my blog by writing. I have attached links to my pages. I have
played around with different things here to get you to click. I apologize. But
I write out of my heart with the belief that we all need to listen to someone
we can trust in order to grow. We need to gather many points of view in order
to learn.

Take a look at this amazing find. Have an open mind.

Choose to be happy.

Choose to be happy.

Choose to be happy. 

If you want to be happy choose to be happy. Simple. If you want to maintain your happiness work at it. I know I say it like it is simple but the truth is making a decision is very simple. You think of the decision and you agree to take on the challenge and you go. The work is in the actual process. As with anything it takes work and earning the small victories. 

When we make mistakes at work or in sport we learn from them and we improve.
We study other people, listen to our mentors or coaches and practice. Same with
being happy. We watch our mentors, coaches and or people we admire and we see
how they do it and try and duplicate the efforts or take advice and apply in
our lives accordingly. It takes work.

Reprogramming your mental attitude, mindset and internal emotions is work.
It is a daily process where you have to have patience in changing your belief
system or processes. As I outlined above we have to practice. It is a repetitive
exercise in affirmations. We have to work our asses of to reverse the years of
negative input. We have to clean out the memories of negative perceptions.
Remembering the same experiences but instead tagging those experiences with a
negative classification turn those experiences into teachable moments and use
as references when you come across a similar event in your life, knowing that
you have the strength to overcome because you have been through it before and
you know how to avoid the pitfalls of repeating a negative perception.

I was told that people handle their problems differently and that I am
trying to convince everyone that they are unhappy. In the first place the wrong
in that statement is that the word problem is a negative perception. Problem
should be replaced with challenge or experience. If you think you have problems
and then you will continue to have problems. The more problems you think you
have the more feeling of being overwhelmed you will experience. It will feel
like you are being buried alive or drowned and gasping for air at the bottom of
a pool or ocean.

Change your perceptions. If you decide in your awake state of mind to just BE happy while you are experiencing different times in your life you will be able to deal with the “stressful” moments. You will already have a mindset of joy, dealing with a negative challenging moment will be easier. You will be able to make a better decision, resolve much quicker, have a clear mind to make a better choice in your plan of attack. 

Let me simplify it a little more as if I confused you. Be happy. Have a clear mind. Hard work. Reap what you sow, you will have the benefits of reserving that energy to heal your body, because the stress is not consuming all of it. You will have more energy because you will sleep better not staying awake worrying. You will be able to focus on your loved ones instead of spacing out while they are talking to you or avoiding them like the plague because of your anti-social behavior. I can go on and on. If you are going to die tomorrow, next week or in the next year or ten years don’t waste time spending your last days in a negative state of mind. 

Be Happy. I Love You.

It is NOT easier said than done. It takes work. Decide today. If you need
help deciding continue to read my blog, subscribe and maybe I might have the privilege
to encourage you. 

How to Make Money from Home

People Do Not Want to be Happy

People Do Not Want to be Happy

I am worried.

I do not let things get to me regularly. People do not want to be happy. I don’t get it. They say they want to be happy but their actions show me the opposite. I mentor quite a few people including family. I always ask the same question….”what can you control?” They always beat around the bush. After I explain to them that the only thing they can control is their mind and the way they think… They go off on a tangent blaming the world that what they think is predicated on their experiences and it is not their fault for negative thought. I give them literature and information on how this is a scientific fact that we condition our minds to believe a certain way. I show them proof in research that mindset can cause illness or healing in a very short time. They still do not get it. 

People Do Not Want to be Happy

I believe it is a fear mindset that keeps them from opening
their mind to other ways of thinking. We are conditioned in this society that
our problems are best solved with external vices. We have not been taught that
we have internal strengths that we have access to that give us the ability to
calm ourselves down and root out that is scaring us into depression. And then
we treat depression with medications and external vices. Holistic and
spirituality understanding as it relates to healing the body is becoming more
popular. Modern medicine is also trying to compete with these advances. They
are constantly introducing new chemical therapies that are supposed to be less
harmful to the body yet they preface this by listing all the side effects (contradicting).
Where does this leave us? The quick fix is still the pill and the internal
healing approach takes work and is less attractive. Steroids was attractive and
eating healthy foods and hard work was not…. Look where it got those people.

All of this talk of depression treatment and pills and such
has a solution and there is hope. We do have an answer to all of this wave of
distracting us from our true problem. There is nothing wrong with accepting the
fact that you are screwed up in the head and it is ok to feel like shit. There is
nothing wrong with crying on someone’s shoulder and going through the
depression and feeling sorry for yourself process. The catch is that we have to
accept it as temporary and not a part of us. We have to acknowledge that it is
there face it head on and say in the mirror that you are going to change it
with hard work. And then you get to work.

The number one reason everyone goes through this process whether
you agree or not is that you are not happy. Simple. Fear is in your mind. Your perception
of a bad experience lurks in your mind and causes fear. So you lash out against
the world and blame everyone and anyone in your way including the person and mainly
the person looking back in the mirror. Instead of loving that person in the mirror
and asking the question why? You agree and continue to deteriorate.

How do we stop this mindset? WORK! Reconditioning of the
perceptions. We have to start saying over and over we are ok. We have to adopt
a system and or process that allows us to appreciate who we are on a daily
basis. I know it is easier said than done. That is so very true. It is hard
work but well worth it. When you finally get to the end of the marathon the
journey will have been worthwhile. You will reap the benefits of the hard work.
A clean feeling of joy and happiness. Not aided or created from external vices
or medications. You will be clear in thought.

This is what I do. I help people get to this point. I work
hard to help people understand themselves. I challenge you to read through my
blog if this is the first time. Share this information with others and help someone
be happier. If you need help in giving someone encouragement in your life I
would be happy to help you. My contact info is here.

If you are interested in helping people like I have let me
know we can team up. If you need some assistance let me know! I do not mind
speaking with you and giving you some tips on the direction you need to be headed
in order to find your happiness.

As always I love you.

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