I Want to be Happy

I Want to be Happy but…..

I want to be happy but I do not want to work for it. I want
to be happy and I will pay for it. I want To be happy but I need something to
calm me down to help me find that emotion. I want to be happy but I have to
wait for something before I can experience that feeling.

Why can’t we just decide to be happy and experience that
emotion when we want to without waiting for something or an event to stimulate us?
Our mental capacity is capable of creating any emotion on the fly as it is
really happening. We can day dream on the spot that we are experiencing
something and our body will experience the joy or the stress as if it is really
happening. We can experience the elation and joy of a dream as if it is
happening…… Wow what a special gift we have. We can convince ourselves that we
are actually able to achieve something before we actually physically do it. If
we can convince our minds we are able to do it, then we will be ready to do
what it is we aspire when it is time.

I have taught this scientific principle to people when I
only knew the process as a philosophical idea or belief. Over the years I have
been studying the science behind the power of our minds. We have so much power.
There has been extensive research and experimentation. There is factual data to
back up the philosophy now.

I have shown my findings and information to many of the people I help and still a few of them seem to accept and acknowledge this information but still decide to continue with experiencing their pain. Is it an addiction to unhappiness? Are these individuals so insecure that even if they have proof in front of their eyes they cannot believe they can experience it for themselves? What a waste of days in their lives. I feel their pain. I hope they will one day see the truth of the matter. The truth is we do not have to suffer. There is a time to mourn tragedy and be sorrowful. There is a time for experiencing loss. We can and will feel this emotion. We also have to understand that we are in a constant cycle of change. We cannot stop this movement. Energy will constantly move and transform. We have to accept that we are energy and we will transform. 

Our energy is love. Why do we constantly accept what is in
front of us. Why do we continually decide to interpret experiences as “bad” or “good”?
Everything is for the good ultimately. The only way we can perceive our
emotions in a positive light is if we decide and choose what we actually want
in our lives and not settle. Settling for a negative emotion because of
challenging circumstances. Settling for an easy emotion rather than working for
the reward. We choose to let external situations and people interfere with our
true nature which is love. We have an essence about us. We all have the same
source. If we all have the same source why do some struggle and some find ease
in their experience? The people that find ease in their experience have accepted
the fact that they have control over their emotions and their experience. The
people that continue to suffer have no clue that they are powerful and have
decided to just throw away their opportunity to live a day at a time enjoying everyone
and everything around them.

I want to be happy but……… I’m waiting.

Continue to wait.

I want to be happy therefore I am. 

live fearlessly

How to Live Fearlessly

Why don’t we live fearlessly? As I look back at my life I realize my experiences were created by me. At some point or another I set into motion a chain of events that were directly responsible for something happening to me. I was recounting this notion I had for many years that every new car I purchased was always christened with an accident within the first year. That is exactly what was happening. For quite a few years every new car I purchased ended up having an accident whether it be small or substantial. As I looked back at the first incident I realized that I immediately thought it bad luck when I was in my first accident after which I began to worry about being in a car accident. I worried so much that when I purchased my first new vehicle, I was paranoid about getting in an accident with my new car! I did!

Every flu season I worried about getting sick like everyone else. I dreaded having the nasal thing, the stomach thing, the everything! And what do you know I got sick! It’s like if my body had accepted the inevitable, agreed, complied and gave in.

In my career I worried always about business being so slow that I would be laid off from a company that never laid off in my position. I was laid off. I started to notice a trend in my thinking. At the time I did not know what it was. I had not been introduced into this way of thinking nor the science. I just knew I always received what I asked for. I started to think I was psychic! How funny is that? What I did not realize is that we all have this innate intuitive ability. We have the ability to create our experience. I was creating all this negativity in my life because I was worried about the worst case scenarios happening to me.

I have mentioned in my writings that I have suffered from depression. For the most part I have been free from that. I know it is a medical condition and I cannot do anything about it. I know it exists and will continue to exist if I do not do anything about it. I do not believe in taking medications for it and I have been criticized for sharing my thoughts on the way I believe depression can be dealt with. I truly feel if someone works towards changing their mindset anything is possible. We capable of so much. We can achieve miracles in our life. We have the capacity to heal ourselves. The majority of the world’s population does not know how to do this. We are conditioned to accept less than what we really are.

I see and hear so many people complain about how they have wasted their lives making mistakes and how they could have done things differently. I had the same philosophy. I realized that I have spent the last 50 years of my life learning who I am. No I am hurrying up to learn how to be courageous enough to live the life of the person that I truly am. I did not know how to live fearlessly.

I dream big. I have visions of myself being this bigger than life person being able to live fearlessly. At first I thought it was a fantasy that I could ever become this giant bigger than life person. As I started to explore this reality that is played out in my mind I began to accept how possible this person is if I just live my life without fear. Most of us try to live our life comfortable with no risk. We are so used to avoiding confrontation in our lives. Not the confrontation of violence, to live fearlessly is confrontational at its core.

Living fearlessly is living life listening to your passion. Working outside of the parameters doing something you love and enjoy life while doing it. That in itself is a risk worth taking….. Isn’t it? Think of your passion. If you can live doing what you love the rest of your life would it be worth a sacrifice of working your butt off to making it work? Where there is a will there is a way! Make it happen. Dream! Imagine yourself already doing it and believe in it with all your heart! Condition yourself into seeing that image every day. Don’t worry about how, Live Fearlessly!

five signs

Depression (Five Signs of Suffering)

Five Signs of Suffering

Nearly one in every five people, or 42.5 million American adults, hasa diagnosable mental health condition.1 Half of all lifetime cases of mental disorders begin by age 14.

Often our friends, neighbors, co-workers, and even family members are suffering emotionally and don’t recognize the symptoms or won’t ask for help.

Here are five signs that may mean someone is in emotional pain and might need help:

Their personality changes.

You may notice sudden or gradual changes in the way that someone typically behaves. He or she may behave in ways that don’t seem to fit the person’s values, or the person may just seem different.


They seem uncharacteristically angry, anxious, agitated, or moody.

You may notice the person has more frequent problems controlling his or her temper and seems irritable or unable to calm down. People in more extreme situations of this kind may be unable to sleep or may explode in anger at a minor problem.


They withdraw or isolate themselves from other people.

Someone who used to be socially engaged may pull away from family and friends and stop taking part in activities he or she used to enjoy. In more severe cases the person may start failing to make it to work or school. Not to be confused with the behavior of someone who is more introverted, this sign is marked by a change in someone’s typical sociability, as when someone pulls away from the social support he or she typically has.


They stop taking care of themselves and may engage in risky behavior.

You may notice a change in the person’s level of personal care or an act of poor judgment on his or her part. For instance, someone may let his or her personal hygiene deteriorate, or the person may start abusing alcohol or illicit substances or engaging in other self-destructive behavior that may alienate loved ones.


They seem overcome with hopelessness and overwhelmed by their circumstances.

Have you noticed someone who used to be optimistic and now can’t find anything to be hopeful about? That person may be suffering from extreme or prolonged grief, or feelings of worthlessness or guilt. People in this situation may say that the world would be better off without them, suggesting suicidal thinking.



You connect, you reach out, you inspire hope, and you offer help. Show compassion and caring and a willingness to find a solution when the person may not have the will or drive to help him-or herself. There are many resources in our communities.


It may take more than one offer, and you may need to reach out to others who share your concern about the person who is suffering.


If everyone is more open and honest about mental health, we can prevent pain and suffering, and those in need will get the help they deserve.


You can learn more at www.changedirection.org



why do people give up

Why Do People Give Up?

Why do people give up? I know it is hard to wake up every day and be positive when your environment teaches you to be upset and judgmental. Why can’t we just decide to face our challenges every day in a joyful manner knowing that we do not have control over the external circumstances but we do have full control over our perception of those experiences?

I know personally I have to open my eyes every morning aware of the negative energy I feel from all the people that are around me in the community I live in. Not everyone is a happy camper. I always have to surround myself with positive energy. I have to bath myself in love every day to combat the attacks I get bombarded with. I am writing this for you to understand that you can protect yourself everyday with love. It is very easy.

How do we protect ourselves? Well… it is as easy as say to yourself… I Love Myself and Everyone around me. I understand that everyone comes from a different mindset and not everyone can just switch on and off the array of various emotions we go through daily. But we can practice every day to feel one emotion. All we need to be good at is one emotion and that is happiness or joy. A feeling of peace and Love. The decision is easy. It is very easy. The maintaining of the emotion is the work.

Practice every morning when you awake being aware that you have to feel happy no matter what the pressing challenge is that day. If you know you have a challenging day ahead of you it is what it is. You will have the challenge whether you are happy or not but you will ultimately have to face that challenge. If you awake upset about it you will still have to face the challenge eventually in the day. If you wake up happy and positive towards the challenge you will still have to face the challenge at least you are in a positive state of mind during the experience. You will not have wasted time being in a negative state of mind.

Switching your state of mind is easy. Maintaining it because of your perceptions of your external circumstances is the work you have to put in to condition your mind to maintain.

As always I Love you and always always hope the best.

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