Self Medicate Depression

We Need Happiness instead of Self Medicate Depression.
I help people realize they are wasting time lamenting over nonsense on a daily basis, what I mean by that is they worry about the bullshit. Why? People believe the reason for our unhappiness is to blame everyone else for our fears. We have pain and suffering, we allow ourselves to go through it and we do not perceive it in a healthy way. We waste our time on the petty stuff. Most people are healthy mentally and yet they conjure up every reason to be sad and justify their self-medication. I self-medicate depression on many different levels. It was self-destructive more than it was beneficial.

Why are we so self-destructive? Is it a conditioning we go through from a very young age? I think our fears turn into anxiety and depression at some point. We then get caught up in this affliction. So many suffer from it, and we need to help one another address it at the core and cause. The cause of depression means different things to everyone. Treating depression should not always be with drugs but with love, compassion and understanding. Loneliness goes along with depression and anxiety. The standard medical treatment is the same. Depression Medication Names like -Ativan, Zoloft, Paxil etc… We can go so many different ways with this subject matter and depression medication. Prescription drugs could be used as a palliative treatment in this condition…..but the core of the problem remains. The individual searches for something harder if there is no follow up to drown out the voices they hear every day.

The question is, how do we administer the love and compassion to someone who is anti-social? That is harder than it sounds. It takes patience and hard work because the person you might be trying to reach has been sad, depressed and alone for a very long time. A person helping this type of individual has to be dedicated and passionate about what they are doing in order not to give up. Once you start helping a person like this it is a commitment and there is no turning back. The whole purpose of helping this person is to regain their confidence in humanity on an organic level. For them to be confident that they are receiving help they have to trust. The credibility will be lost if you walk away after being challenged. Love is at the forefront of this process.

A professional has to be ethical and keep his distance in order to treat. An intimate, family member and or friend will have too much to lose if they falter. So who then??…. Someone with a Love and Passion for this affliction. Someone that has experienced that pain. Someone that is Happy. Someone that is full of joy. Again….let me repeat… Someone that is happy.

It takes a special person to do this kind of work. This person has to be clear of all negativity when they are helping someone in this state of mind. This person has to be so happy to help even the most severe cases because of their devotion to help cure depression. They will take on any insult and not take it personal…and yet they should take it very personal. This type of person cannot follow old antiquated processes and depression treatments. They have to be direct and compassionate.

I want to re-iterate my opinion and make it clear….There are serious cases where medication is needed, but that is only one method for the person being helped to focus. Drugs and depression medication could be very counterproductive.

I am not a doctor, these are my opinions and should not be taken as a prescription for treatment. I am a person that loves people and has a passion for helping. All I can do is share my love through what I think is right for me. Helping.  I love you. Be well always!

Happiness Tips

Ativan Dosage

My Ativan Dosage. I don’t take Ativan. I have a natural drug that is created in my mind through happiness. I have helped quite a few people that are on an Ativan Dosage… I noticed they are not the same as I once knew. Some of the people I have met through family members or loved one stated that the person that I am helping is not the same person before they were on that Ativan Dosage. Years ago I suffered from anxiety and took Paxil. Paxil has similar if not the same effects as the Ativan Dosage. From what I have learned with dealing with people on Ativan is that they are like Zombies. They tell me they are feeling better as compared to not being on the drug. (Ativan Withdrawal!) The Ativan Dosage is a lifesaver to them. I had one person I was mentoring that used to take Ativan and Alcohol. That is not a great mixture and a very dumb move. Come On! Ativan and Alcohol??? Are you trying to kill yourself?(Ativan and alcohol overdose!)

Being on those anti-anxiety, anti-depressant drugs has so many side effects that I do not know what is worse…..(Just Like the Commercials)

Ativan side effects
• Drowsiness, dizziness, tiredness;
• blurred vision;
• sleep problems (insomnia);
• Muscle weakness, lack of balance or coordination;
• Amnesia or forgetfulness, trouble concentrating;
• Nausea, vomiting, constipation;
• Appetite changes; or.
• Skin rash.

To me that is counterproductive. I have had success with a few individuals where I gave them a few basic tools to open their eyes to a new way to deal with their affliction. They weaned off of their Ativan Dosage and any other dosage they were taking. I am not putting down the drug at all. I feel there are some severe cases where the drug can be useful during counseling to gain the attention of the patient or client…but the overall goal is to help the person become self-sufficient at working those problems out. The root of the mindset they are in is their inability to remain or maintain a happiness state of mind. Working on the mindset is far more productive.

Getting to the root of why the person is unhappy and why they do not love themselves is the ultimate goal, as I mentioned previously. In my experience people in a depressive mindset will self-medicate…. Using the Ativan Dosage, Ativan and Alcohol as an escape but not a tool to heal. Drug prescriptions are dangerous. Most often than not they are prescribed with no follow up. The follow up is left to the patient. The patient does not have a good perception of themselves to begin with so giving them the control of that decision is destructive. What the hell are you thinking doctors?! I was on Paxil and Zoloft for a few years, and the dosage was for 2-3 months at a time and follow up. I would just re-fill and no questions were asked at the nurse’s station.

My point for this post is not to discourage you from getting this type of treatment, Ativan Dosage or any other…. I want to bring light to the fact that there should be more responsible ways to treat depression and anxiety. Rooting out the true cause of why they are not happy is the main focus.
I am sure this has all been covered and medicine is compassionate enough now to realize the errors of the past. I am only stating my opinion. I am only going by my experience and interaction with the people I have helped or have been in contact with.

I Love You… As Always!

How to be Happy Alone

For many years I was afraid to be alone. I felt that if I was alone I wouldn’t be happy. That is why I am writing this post, How to be Happy Alone. There are so many reasons people justify being unhappy. One is they are lonely. The other is How to be Happy at work…. that is another post altogether. How to be Happy Alone is the main reason people fall in to depression. Loneliness is a big suicidal cause. Or at least the perception of being alone.

Fear is a root cause to many of our reasons we justify our unhappiness. Fear of being around anyone leads to alienating ourselves, which causes us to be alone, leads to depression and loneliness…. and so on. Being happy is only a perception we have to work on. Conditioning ourselves is work but it is very rewarding. We can decide to be happy right now and then the rest will take care of itself. Yea! It is that easy! But the work is hard. But with anything it takes hard work for us to enjoy greatness.

One thing is to surround yourself with positivism from the time you wake up in the morning. Go on Google Search Engine and type in “How to be Happy Quotes” and save them to your phone and read them everyday. You can always subscribe somewhere and get them emailed to you. If you want to learn how to be happy with yourself you need to learn how to love yourself. How to love yourself is a decision….Yes there it is again. A Decision. How to be Happy Alone is predicated upon you deciding to love yourself. I know I am repeating it over and over… That is how it is done. Conditioning of your mindset to learn How to be Happy!

I hope I gave you a little tidbit here on How to be Happy Alone. How to be Happy with Yourself and How to be happy with YOURSELF!

I Love You! there is material in my archived posts. I hope you will take the time to read.

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