I Love You

I hope everyone reading this is finding a way to be happy in life. I sincerely hope with all my love and energy you are all in a place in your life where you know you have control over anything between the cranium in your head. That you have control over the thoughts and perceptions you constantly create. Everything you receive from all of your senses you have the control over how you feel about it.

I write in this blog to reach someone and or anyone that could learn from my words and outlook in life. I have my critics and people that think I am not qualified to give advice or write about happiness. I think that if someone loves themselves enough to help others is more than qualified. If your stated of mind is that of a crazy person and yet you have the love and compassion in your heart to help…then you are qualified. That is my opinion of course. I have my opinion and you have yours. Love is for everyone.

I love you and want to reach out to you. I love you and want you to be happy. That is the purpose of my existence. I want to love everyone the rest of my life. You should have the same purpose in life. You can apply that philosophy towards your passions in life. If you are an artist then you will pour all of your love into your art to express to the world. If you are a doctor then you will pour all of your love into healing people. AND so on…. You get the point. Love one another through your passions.

I love you even though you do not love me. I love you even though you see me as a threat or I annoy you. I love you unconditionally. I love you even though you hate me.

We are so capable of changing our perceptions and yet we hold on to the past, stress out about the future and look past the wonderful things and people we can experience right in front of us. Wake up. I Love you.

Can You Let Go?

Can you let go of the hate. Are you able to love. How low do you need to get in your life to realize that you need to survive. There are so many things that distract us from our happiness and joy.sometimes I sit in public and I just watch people observing meditating. People are always looking down at their feet at their cell phone never making eye contact. Technology is a marvelous thing but it also keeps connecting with one another. People are always in a rush never taking the time to see the beauty around. In a Restaurant..five people in a family all on their cell phone how did we get there? Who knows maybe they’re texting each other and they’re shy.

It is never too late to break that cycle of detachment. We just need to look up into each other’s eyes into each other souls and love one another.

Time flies by before you know it you’re a grandparent children are adults you have wrinkles and gray hair everything ps Time flies by before you know it you’re a grandparent children are adults you have wrinkles and gray hair everything is sagging.
If you’re young slow down look around ..if your old slow down look around and enjoy the sky when you take walks around town.. enjoy life at a slow pace.

These are just my thoughts for the moment this is what I think about every day I worry society is losing sight of who we are and what we are and what we’re supposed to be .

I Love You

The State of Our Society

I cant seem to wrap my head around all the hate and hypocrisy there is in the world. The non-believers hate the believers and say their opinion is an opinion and to respect them. The believers are judgemental and openly critical when their suppose to love unconditionally. The extremists think they are the superior belief system and want the world to bow down. The civilized countries are saying for the world to act accordingly and respect each others differences and yet they practice the opposite. I see people of “faith” constantly barraging their insulting remarks on all social media platforms to all races classifying a small percentage of bad as the majority. I hear the news, radio, read the articles and notice how everyone is ready to jump on a bandwagon out of fear. I do not know what to make of it all and I cannot form a rational opinion of the state we are in. All I know is hate comes in all forms. Society as a whole is going to shit and has been. Everyone wants peace and love and shares how they are loving people and yet they are the ones posting hate.
If someone were to bring the mess to my doorstep I will be ready. I have seen a share of hate and violence in my lifetime, I have had situations where I have been deeply impacted by something that should have made me blame the world… But I still love my neighbor and seek the good in people. I truly try and live by my faith and love unconditionally. People are unpredictable. We cannot read each others minds. We have to be vigilant and aware at all times. NOT run our mouths and create more hate and enemies, or situations where brother against brother, neighbor against neighbor. We have to bond together as a society one by one and not fall victim to shit propaganda from hypocritical thinkers. You know who they are.
I am not afraid. I am concerned for our state. But to be honest every tactic has been approached. Every threat has been tossed. I just want to love. Be vigilant, steadfast and ready. Be aware of my surroundings and watch for inconsistencies. If I have my last breath tomorrow I will know I have taught my children Love first. Agree or disagree….but if you comment look in the mirror first before you spew….. As Always I Love YOU

Why Am I Lost?

Consistency. Why do we procrastinate? I for one do it because I get side tracked. Is it a conspiracy from SATAN? No… Maybe… But for sure we allow the media and all the different things around us taking us away from what we love to keep our focus on. For instance….. We watch the news right now and what are we seeing? Violence, terrorism, war and so forth. We turn off the TV or internet and we keep thinking of that. We worry. We analyze. We are distracted and then we become complacent. We do not continue. WE become inconsistent. There are so many things that keep us from what our focus is. The main thing is our fears. I have spoken about fears.

Fear is the deciding factor in our daily lives. Either we are too afraid to try or we are too afraid to say no or yes. We are too afraid to make a decision to be happy. We are too afraid we might hurt someone to give ourselves a chance. We are too afraid to stand up for ourselves. We are too afraid to have faith. Faith is a very loaded concept.

Faith is a mindset. We believe something that is not yet there and yet we know with all of our strength and courage that it is there, it will be there and there was never a doubt. Faith should be all consuming. Faith is courageous. Faith is a sign of strength. Faith takes balls. Faith is challenging.

Challenges. Wow. One leads to another. Fear, is overcome by faith, faith takes courage, and challenges are a joke when we apply the aforementioned. What a concept. The question is… What are we having Faith in? God, Some form of God, Ourselves, Ourselves as God (like).

We all have our beliefs. I have mine. All I can opinionate is that we all should have faith in the mindset that whatever it is that created and sustains us as a species in the vast universe, We are cut from the same cloth. As a parent gives life to their child, the child grows up to become just like the parent. We are created from a piece of what created us. If the universe is so powerful, hence we are likewise in that respect. There are mysterious things that happen that we only see through a telescope, but we have our universe inside of us in the micro. We are capable of producing the same energy that the macro universe creates. It has been proven that we are very powerful and yet we are too busy worrying about what is less important. We are distracted from our own truth.

If we only knew as a collective species the amount of pressure we could put on all evil we would have a very happy place to coexist. Instead we live in fear, and that is the distraction that keeps us unhappy. Unhappiness breads a chain of negativity. One dominoes another. It all begins with one soul. Since we are all connected all it takes is one bad disease to infect the rest. The opposite holds just as true. One positive smile is infectious. One good deed is rewarded with a pay it forward mindset. Eventually it becomes contagious. But if we allow fear to cloud our perception then any actions taken will be worthless. We can smile, be happy and blow smoke up our ass believing that we can pretend. But if we do not feel it and believe it truly we will always fail. And failure is not an option if you want to break this negative cycle.

Love. Believe it or not, is the answer. What a cliché. But it is the truth. LOVE! Is what holds us together. If there wasn’t a small amount of love in this world left it would be gone. After you read this (all 3 of you) go love someone. Someone you wouldn’t expect to express it too. Make it meaningful and sincere. A small gesture is huge in someones perception of you not loving them. If you do not understand everything I have written then you are not ready. Your loss. I still Love you.

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