
I am so afraid of closing my eyes tonight and not knowing. Will I wake from a comfortable sleep? I close my eyes trusting that I will wake rested. Since I do not dream I would not feel myself slipping away. I fall into an imaginary realm of fantasy and memories. Where is that place we fall into? Sometimes I fall asleep and wake and the most recent memory was closing my eyes and yet I am rested and ready to go. Once I was knocked unconscious and did not remember anything of how I was knocked out. Will I leave this consciousness and slip into nothingness one day? Close my eyes and nothing? I am so terrified of this reality. Is this a reality? Will it happen that way? I have read so many books regarding this transformation from life to death. I have attended church to hear the speaker (priest, pastor, minister, etc…) telling us how afterlife will be. What is after? What is the guarantee? I have observed many different variations of the story of death and afterlife and what to expect. What is the truth? Whose story is right? One thought is more right than the other. Does one have a more compelling argument?

Do the people that grow up in the violence and war-torn countries think about death the way we do? Or is it an accepted idea that they will suffer a horrible death one way or another and they have accepted their fate? I imagine they have no control over it so therefore they do not enjoy their days. Their days are spent worried and preparing for their anticipated death. Instead of celebrating the life they currently have. Sometimes it is a catch 22 because we think of how we should be thankful for the life we have and yet the quality of our lives might not be as one would describe quality life. Everyone has an opinion. We all have experienced different levels of living. I can name so many points in our human history where children are exposed to so many different variations of life. Enslavement, work farms, concentrations camps, sweat shops, human trafficking….I can go on but it is mortifying to think that I can sit here and tell you appreciate your life you have and it is a perception of how you see things. A cow and a chicken know their fate. They are to be eaten in most societies. A snail crossing a busy path knows they will be stepped on by a human. How do we perceive death? A daily routine with the knowledge of a set expectation of certain death? Certain death….This is such a sure thing that we can almost assure ourselves a seat on the ride out of our consciousness.

Imprisoned in fear? Can we be happy regardless? Can we make a decision to be happy and appreciate the small things in a certain vulnerable state of mind of fear? Can we decide to be happy headed a million miles an hour towards a wall? Time is not stopping and we are headed towards our fate every moment we have life and breathe. If it as certain and sure why are we worried? Is it morals? Have we been convinced that we are certainly going to a bad place or good place? Are we second guessing and not being fed the correct information? Are we doing the right things to meet our 12 virgins in paradise? Are we going the the yellow brick road one day to meet the OZ on the other side of the curtain?

What are we headed towards? If we have been told we are headed towards something and nothing is there how will we know there is nothing there?> If we close our eyes for good and there is not anything how do we warn the rest of us? Is it fair? Does it matter? IF we are headed towards nothingness and we cannot control it would it drive you crazy knowing that we are just a created from something that is unknown and we have no sure resource to prove either way…… Would we go crazy knowing all of this information? Does it really MATTER?! No. I say no. I will be very happy if and when my faith is validated. If I close my eyes today…I will not lie I will be happy if my soul or essence transforms into another something. This time I hope I remain in that knowledge that I have transformed and it is not a secret again.

What IS a sure thing is, we are here. We will stop breathing and deteriorate and die. We will be something else. We will wither away and become the dirt we were created from. Where will the energy in our system re-appear or float off too? Energy is what holds our atoms together to form our matter. Matter is not solid but atoms clumped together by energy.

Again does it matter in the bigger scope of things as it pertains to our current perceptions of our life right now? No. I say no!

We can change the perceptions. We can change our fear and make it love. Love one another and the situation we are in and thrive. Love and be happy. We always have the choice to be happy and remain in that state of mind. If we cannot control the outcome we can certainly control the way we perceive it. If it is inevitable and we cannot explain it we can be happy and decide it is the right thing to be. A happy feeling is much healthier than a negative fearful feeling which scientifically causes premature death by many ways. Stress causes deterioration of our living cells. There is so many ways to go with this conversation and it is only assumptions and learned ideas. We can disprove and validate so much just by going over all the myths. If we start to talk about the science of death and life we just might make you a God believer.

My last Comment. Science increasingly believes in intelligent design. Look into it. I can only articulate what feels right and make sense. If I do not make sense then our perceptions are going in different directions…or are they? It is your perception that they are or aren’t they……

I Love all of you in any perception!



When someone you care about hurts you, you can hold on to anger, resentment and thoughts of revenge — or embrace forgiveness and move forward.
Nearly everyone has been hurt by the actions or words of another. Perhaps your mother criticized your parenting skills, your colleague sabotaged a project or your partner had an affair. These wounds can leave you with lasting feelings of anger, bitterness or even vengeance.

But if you don’t practice forgiveness, you might be the one who pays most dearly. By embracing forgiveness, you can also embrace peace, hope, gratitude and joy. Consider how forgiveness can lead you down the path of physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.
What is forgiveness?
Generally, forgiveness is a decision to let go of resentment and thoughts of revenge. The act that hurt or offended you might always remain a part of your life, but forgiveness can lessen its grip on you and help you focus on other, more positive parts of your life. Forgiveness can even lead to feelings of understanding, empathy and compassion for the one who hurt you.

Forgiveness doesn’t mean that you deny the other person’s responsibility for hurting you, and it doesn’t minimize or justify the wrong. You can forgive the person without excusing the act. Forgiveness brings a kind of peace that helps you go on with life.
What are the benefits of forgiving someone?
Letting go of grudges and bitterness can make way for happiness, health and peace. Forgiveness can lead to:
Healthier relationships
Greater spiritual and psychological well-being
Less anxiety, stress and hostility
Lower blood pressure
Fewer symptoms of depression
Stronger immune system
Improved heart health
Higher self-esteem
Reduce injury to your knuckles from punching that wall.
Why is it so easy to hold a grudge?
When you’re hurt by someone you love and trust, you might become angry, sad or confused. If you dwell on hurtful events or situations, grudges filled with resentment, vengeance and hostility can take root. If you allow negative feelings to crowd out positive feelings, you might find yourself swallowed up by your own bitterness or sense of injustice.
What are the effects of holding a grudge?
If you’re unforgiving, you might:
Bring anger and bitterness into every relationship and new experience
Become so wrapped up in the wrong that you can’t enjoy the present
Become depressed or anxious
Feel that your life lacks meaning or purpose, or that you’re at odds with your spiritual beliefs
Lose valuable and enriching connectedness with others
How do I reach a state of forgiveness?
Forgiveness is a commitment to a process of change. To begin, you might:
Consider the value of forgiveness and its importance in your life at a given time
Reflect on the facts of the situation, how you’ve reacted, and how this combination has affected your life, health and well-being
Actively choose to forgive the person who’s offended you, when you’re ready
Move away from your role as victim and release the control and power the offending person and situation have had in your life
As you let go of grudges, you’ll no longer define your life by how you’ve been hurt. You might even find compassion and understanding.

What Is Your Legacy?

What is your legacy? People do not think of that as they age. How do you live your life and who’s is watching you? You do not have to be a parent to pass on your legacy. You can give the world love and kindness and ask for nothing in return. Have a giving heart and a compassionate way about you. Invest in something that improves our world. Invest your time and concern. Work with your schedule wherever you are to express yourself as a caring co-inhabitant of this planet. Spread your kind words. Join a positive group that gives unconditional love to all. Truly mean Good Morning when you say it. Start the day with love. Do not just plan to leave a legacy …. Fight to live it!

Our lives are all connected and we affect one other in so many ways at many different levels. Our butterfly affect is real. We could literally impact peace all over the globe if we smile at one person. By chance that could be someone that had given up hope and goes on to be a hero that saves millions from disaster because of that smile of hope. I am a dreamer and a romantic. I love people. I pray everyday for the people I have hurt and hope that one day they will forgive me and cherish the wonderful moments we spent together as brothers and sisters in this dysfunctional family we call the human race.

Of course there are those that are selfish and sick. Power, money, self gratification with violence filling a void in themselves with a perverse stimuli that they decide equates to happiness. I have had my vices and weaknesses and made excuses for them. In the end I was trying to find all justification to hurt myself. I end up hurting my legacy I so desperately want to leave my family friends and special people that I have a blessing and privilege to help. It is not easy. Find someone to tell that secret to. Find accountability. Put yourself in check. Happiness is a choice not an external “thing” that is a trigger. We have the trigger it is called choice.

I write in this blog for one reason only. I want to share my heart in hopes of putting a smile on your face by teaching you how to decide to be happy just because. Happiness is free. Create Your Legacy Today. Start from scratch now. It is never too late. Be happy from this moment forward regardless of the circumstances and your world will change immediately. And then teach one person what you have learned. And help them teach someone. A beautiful cycle .

I Love You


Create Joy Again

There is so much in life to to see. There is so much in life to experience. People to love. Lives to inspire and connect with. Sometimes we get caught in a rut and think we have to rush everything in our life. Sometimes we look for that moment when we can slow down and enjoy our lives because we are too busy right now. Funny. All we have to do is slow down look around and realize that every moment in our daily routine is filled with inspiration, love and beautiful connections with anyone and everyone. I think we have been numb to the world. I believe in my heart that this world is lonely as a whole. I see the news, I see the results of decisions made by our world leaders. I listen to the pain caused by distorted ways of thinking that causes people to lash out in violence against innocence. We watch and hear of stories where world leaders called women and children being killed in war as collateral damage. Young boys, men, fathers and sons being slaughtered because they voice out against oppression. Brave women standing side by side losing their lives. The effects of which children are also orphaned. Most of the worlds tragedies other than natural causes are the result of a human belief. An opinion that is forced upon a society. We watch and think we are helpless. We realize that all of these precious lives are martyrs. because in the bigger picture doesn’t change require sacrifice? But the cost is sometimes so high. The media glorifies it to make a great story with dramatic picture. Stunning soundbites. Graphic yet gripping images of war and struggle. They brand these human experience with big strong bold words. They sell it to the highest bidder. War has never been any less destructive nor has it been any more romantic. It has always taken big numbers from this world. It has always taken its toll on a populace(Hiroshima/Germany/Syria/Darfur). But they call it sacrifice for change. there have been genocidal events in our history which have wiped out countless families by the generations. Yet we look back at it as a moment in history. Now the media is so dominant. We have a play by play, step by step. We even influence the outcome at times. So we can use our voice for good. We can communicate to each other against tirrany. where is the improvement? How can we use technology to bring peace? How can we use this opportunity in our human history to gain momentum against hate, destruction, war and so on. These might be my thoughts. These might be words spawned by what I hear see and experience. But what i tell you as my readers, all 3 of you is this. Create joy. We are all creators.We all have the strength and the power to love, create love, create joy, happiness and positivity. Quit making excuses for your misery whatever it is. It is a human experience. We create strength from our obstacles and challenges to be powerful. We love more. We laugh more. We appreciate more. If there is anything else in life to do before we take our last breath is to Love.

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