I want to take this time to talk to you. I hope you do not get offended. Honestly if you do get offended it must be a good thing because at least I know that I have hit on a truth that you are not ready to face.

You spend your day looking at the faults in others yet you do not want to address the faults in yourself. You focus your thoughts on what is bad about your life instead of having a mindset of gratitude and being thankful for all the good things that are in your life. You constantly bitch and moan for all the people that you want to place blame for your own unhappiness not taking any accountability for choosing to feel a certain way.

When are you going to realize that you have control over the perceptions that shape how you feel every day? It is easy to change your thinking. Or are you afraid of the work it takes to maintain that level of happiness? Is it that satisfying to be complaining all the time? Do you enjoy living in a state of unhappiness? When are you going to stop making excuses for your pathetic life. Stop walking around being a toxic influence on all the people that love and adore you. They are tired of watching yourself destruct.

At this point I really don’t give a shit if your upset because if your upset at least I am striking a nerve with you. If I am on your nerves do something about it. Look in the mirror and admit you are a piece of shit. Accept that fact that you have been suffering and allowed these negative emotions to permeate in your life for a long time. Decide to change your thoughts to that of love and joy and back it up with gratitude to be able to maintain. Do the work to train your mind to feel happy. Use your emotions of joy to flood your peebrain with love! Wake up! Today is the day. Do not be so arrogant to believe you have tomorrow. Tomorrow might be your funeral.

I Love You