Do you realize you are unhappy and waking up making the same decisions you do every day? Are you having difficulties looking in the mirror? Change your daily actions. Try waking up happy that you are alive. Look for opportunities to help others and share your happiness. There are so many people that are in a desperate situation screaming for attention or just help. Help with their state of mind. Help with wanting to learn how to function happily.

Reach out to someone and love them. To love someone, the reality is you must love yourself. To love yourself you must accept yourself as you are in that moment. Once you accept yourself a profound change will begin to take place. You can now embark on a better journey and love waking up again as you did when you were a child looking for new adventures.

The following are steps towards this path and the principles that will help you get there.

1) Acceptance – Be happy with who you are in the present moment

2) Perception – change the way you see everything & everyone around you

3) Clarity – Awareness of 1 & 2 will give you clarity

4) Learning – With clarity you will have an open mind to learn how to be happy

5) Practicing – Once you have the tools you can now practice happiness