I write because I truly believe if someone is going to receive help from my blog the heavens above will send them to my pages. I am a strong believer that this is so. Our subconciouses are connected at the cellular level. We are spiritually connected but the atheists and smart people do not think that is possible and it is out of the realm of belief for them. My opinion of course. 

Science has alread proven and experimented with the idea that we have total control over what our cells do and how they behave. We can be addicted to any kind of emotion because when we stay in a certain mindset our brains trigger the production of certain cell growth that ask our bodies for more of the same, on the trillionth scale. We can become addicted to a positive mindset as well as a negative mindset. You can read about this science here

There is so much proof in science now that we have control over all of our being. That we can create anything with our minds. It is astounding the body of evidence to substantiate what was previously a theory. Einstein had it correct. We are creators. What a wonderful idea. Jesus spoke of it through all of his teachings that were are an extension of that who created us. We have the same power. Buddha had a great quote….

We all struggle to be the expert on everyone’s life and yet we fail at keeping ourselves happy. If we would just have the focus on ourselves with the same effort we engage ourselves in others dealing maybe we could figure our own stuff out. I always say we are so in a hurry to run at the wall at the end of the road while we are looking back that before we know it we hit it and it is too late to slow down. Slow down! Quit being in a hurry. You WILL eventually hit that wall and wished you had slowed down to enjoy the journey there. 


It doesn’t matter! You will get there one way or a another. Why worry about the wall….. But you cannot ignore it either. Open those weak eyes of yours. See with your heart and soul. Yes we have a soul. It is our essence. Another post. 


Have a great day. I love You all.