do not be too upset about it…..

do not be too upset about it


Some of the reasons we are always chasing our tail is because we always put lofty expectations on other people. We let ourselves be disappointed by the actions of others. We cannot control their actions! Quit putting your hopes in their hands. 

Give yourself the respect and decide for yourself that you are in control of your feelings towards anything and everything. Yes, life can be screwed up sometimes when you are experiencing the pain. The bigger picture is so much more amazing. We always become stronger in the aftermath. Life will march on with or without you. 

The clock spins fast. It cannot be stopped. We are very fragile. Our mortality hangs on a small balancing act. We must know this. If that does not compel you to choose to make a decision to take control and be happy then you should just jump off a bridge and end it! Ok. NO! That is not the answer. 

Sadly, many people take that option. Ending their lives because things are too hard for them. Blaming themselves. People that commit suicide or contemplate it do not see or hear anyone. They are silenced by their own voices screaming at them inside their head. All they want to do is rest. They want to quiet the voices torturing them. 

These voices are lies. Eventually the perception that they are helpless, and no one can help them becomes a reality and, in their minds “courageously” go to sleep. Was it the right thing to do? That is up for debate. 

I choose life. I choose facing my trials head on and looking for happiness always. I’ll re-create my reality over and over again until death chooses me, then I at least left looking for the best and fighting for peace of mind, teaching others to do the same in the process. I want to leave a legacy. 

Did I answer the question of anything in this post? I do not care. I want to send a message of my opinion of another example of how we can choose happiness over the alternative, not being happy. 

Rambling as usual! 

I love all of you. Please do not hesitate to follow my social media links for more content, it is all over the place. I am so random I need to get organized. Please SHARE my content so that others can see it and maybe find something that can help them.  

The Human Experience

The human experience. We are born. We grow and mature and eventually spread our wings. We are then responsible for ourselves. At least some of us are able to care for ourselves with the exception of individuals with special circumstances. We are responsible for our lives and decisions. We take accountability for our lives. We shelter and care for our loved ones.

What I just wrote about is a perfect world. The sad truth is people have become toxic. Yes there is a substantial Percentage of positivism in our world, but if you look at our media coverage of the world the negative is glorified and sensationalized. We fight to navigate through a growing disrespect towards humanity. The facts are present and on stage.

The good news is that there is a wave of awareness that we have the power as a human species to change this thought collectively. Science and spirituality is partnering to raise this awareness. We are in a fragile state in our collective human experience. We have to reach out and create beautiful positive content through the arts, research and discover who we really are.

The goal is always to spread love, kindness and positivity. We NEED Remove the hypocrisy in our lives so that our children see our legacy and their hope is a beautiful future with our hard work creating their core to build on. Instead currently there is an anti everything holding us hostage. This anti everything is tearing down our future.

The mantle is always being passed to the next generation. What are YOU passing down to your next generation of thinkers, builders, creators and leaders?

How to be Happy? Stop Giving Up!

what is the problem with you? are you going to accept what the rest of society is doing complaining bitching and moaning all the time? it is easy to just decide to be happy and ignore the trend of discontent and unhappiness. lately I see social media blanketed with profiles glorifying suicide, depression and hate tweets, shares, posts and content. It is almost like it is an addiction. People are falling in love with the mystery of depression and anxiety. suicide is running rapid in the teen age groups. how is suicide an accepted way of dealing with problems. the children are leaving notes saying they will be at peace now. I do not understand it. I am venting because the easiest solution is not ending it or giving up…. the easiest solution is working hard to move past and have a lasting fulfillment that you overcame!

How to be Happy? Believe It!

How to be Happy? Believe It! 

I give advice to so many people and work with them to help them change their mindset and their perception of their lives. It is so easy in this present society to believe what the majority is thinking. We are influenced in so many ways through the media bombardment of alternative views and values. People are not strong enough to develop their own. 

How do you develop your own? As a child you are supposed to be taught right from wrong. Now there is technology giving these children access to the mainstream ideology. Whatever is popular at the present moment. Children are learning at a very young age new political, religious and alternative beliefs that are programming their impressionable minds to believe what ever the source on the other end has as an agenda. 

How do we combat the onslaught of information contaminating our children’s minds in their formative years? How do we teach our children to sort out the good from the bad?  How do we convince our children that they have a choice to feel the way they want and not be persuaded or bullied into a systematic attack to brainwash them? We educate and take the time to be aware of where and what they are watching, listening to and feeling. Pay attention! Slow down and stop scrolling yourself! When you are having a meal put the phone down. When you are walking or taking a drive put the phone down. It is very simple. We are conditioned right now to pick up the phone from the time we wake up to check our FEED. looking and worrying about our likes, follows and “friends”. 

Let us promise ourselves that happiness does not hinge on these things that are attached to a device and a websites or social media platform. We are bullied by words on a screen. We are taken advantage of because we want to believe all of the commenting. Before it was watching TV was a problem. At least there was an easy fix. turn it off. Now this device is our life. We use it to communicate to one another and do our banking, scheduling, lists, moderate our life in different ways. It is a necessary tool. We have lost the control. We have lost our happiness. We need this addiction to sustain our life. 

How can we be happy? make a decision to take back the control. Somehow. Start with putting the phone down once in a while. I actually have a process to learn happiness without vices and addictions. Contact me if you are interested.

Hope to hear from you soon. 

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