which way is next?

I would love to say that when I help people it sticks. I am sure there are times when I have not made an impact right away after I am done helping. I have checked back with some of the individuals and they have gone back to their old way of thinking. I do not know where I am going with this post but I just had to start sharing what is in my heart right now. Sometimes we are compelled to start sharing as writers with no clear vision or intent. All I know is that People are always in my path feeling pain and it goes right through my heart. It is almost like I feel exactly what they are feeling.
This past week should have been a stressful one for me but it was a very happy time. I have been able to let go of some stumbling blocks and have a gateway of opportunity open to me. I walked away from a job that I was at for over 2-1/2 years. I enjoyed the people I worked with but had a different vision for my career. I was not enjoying coming into work no matter how much I lied to myself. I was not serving the purpose I have been so passionate about. It is important that when we are creating our lives we create situations for us that are edifying for ourselves and we are able to reach out to share and help others.
I have had a stream of ideas of what direction I will be taking on. I have a job lined up slated to start the first of October. I have a little bit of time to engage myself in alternative ways of income. It will take hard work but I am sure I will figure it out like I always do. I have been neck up in research and exploring every option I can think of. Hard work. I have the work ethic. I want to include speaking publicly, helping, mentoring and making myself available and open to helping people in whatever I decide to venture in. I am so happy at this stage in my life. I have so many positive things happening. Losing my job was one of them. I believe it will be a highlight. Finding another one or trying to figure out what is next in my life will be challenging but well worth the effort in finding the path there.
One thing this time off has left me to focus on is this website and building other ways to reach more people. I want to start create content on You Tube. I believe I can reach many other folks that would rather see eye to eye while I am speaking and seeing the passion I have for this genre. I love showing people how someone can truly care for them with no hidden agenda. I truly will succeed in reaching out to more of people like you. I am excited for this chapter in my life. If I do not continue from this moment in time forward after this article I must have died or something. Because I am so excited that I do not seeing anything else derail me other than that. I am a horrible typist, and my grammar is very bad. I don’t care. I still do not understand how I became a Pastor many years ago and was able to speak to people at a very young age. I had more balls back then then I have at present time.
I guess the point of this rant today I to let all of you reading know that I am ready to move forward and give more available content from my head. I need to give my heart and soul more places to vent and let go. I have been holding this god given wisdom inside for too long. It is time to let it go and allow someone or many benefit from it.
I love you all and I am looking forward to seeing you in YouTube Ville!!!!

PS…. Noting is impossible!!! Watch this….

It Doesn’t Matter

I write because I truly believe if someone is going to receive help from my blog the heavens above will send them to my pages. I am a strong believer that this is so. Our subconciouses are connected at the cellular level. We are spiritually connected but the atheists and smart people do not think that is possible and it is out of the realm of belief for them. My opinion of course. 

Science has alread proven and experimented with the idea that we have total control over what our cells do and how they behave. We can be addicted to any kind of emotion because when we stay in a certain mindset our brains trigger the production of certain cell growth that ask our bodies for more of the same, on the trillionth scale. We can become addicted to a positive mindset as well as a negative mindset. You can read about this science here

There is so much proof in science now that we have control over all of our being. That we can create anything with our minds. It is astounding the body of evidence to substantiate what was previously a theory. Einstein had it correct. We are creators. What a wonderful idea. Jesus spoke of it through all of his teachings that were are an extension of that who created us. We have the same power. Buddha had a great quote….

We all struggle to be the expert on everyone’s life and yet we fail at keeping ourselves happy. If we would just have the focus on ourselves with the same effort we engage ourselves in others dealing maybe we could figure our own stuff out. I always say we are so in a hurry to run at the wall at the end of the road while we are looking back that before we know it we hit it and it is too late to slow down. Slow down! Quit being in a hurry. You WILL eventually hit that wall and wished you had slowed down to enjoy the journey there. 


It doesn’t matter! You will get there one way or a another. Why worry about the wall….. But you cannot ignore it either. Open those weak eyes of yours. See with your heart and soul. Yes we have a soul. It is our essence. Another post. 


Have a great day. I love You all. 

Discourse on Happiness

I heard these words of the Buddha one time when the Lord was living in the vicinity of Savatthi at the Anathapindika Monastery in the Jeta Grove. Late at night, a deva appeared whose light and beauty made the whole Jeta Grove shine radiantly. After paying respects to the Buddha, the deva asked him a question in the form of a verse:

“Many gods and men are eager to know
what are the greatest blessings
which bring about a peaceful and happy life.
Please, Tathagata, will you teach us?”

(This is the Buddha’s answer):

“Not to be associated with the foolish ones,
to live in the company of wise people,
honoring those who are worth honoring —
this is the greatest happiness.

“To live in a good environment,
to have planted good seeds,
and to realize that you are on the right path —
this is the greatest happiness.

“To have a chance to learn and grow,
to be skillful in your profession or craft,
practicing the precepts and loving speech —
this is the greatest happiness.

“To be able to serve and support your parents,
to cherish your own family,
to have a vocation that brings you joy —
this is the greatest happiness.

“To live honestly, generous in giving,
to offer support to relatives and friends,
living a life of blameless conduct —
this is the greatest happiness.

“To avoid unwholesome actions,
not caught by alcoholism or drugs,
and to be diligent in doing good things —
this is the greatest happiness.

“To be humble and polite in manner,
to be grateful and content with a simple life,
not missing the occasion to learn the Dharma —
this is the greatest happiness.

“To persevere and be open to change,
to have regular contact with monks and nuns,
and to fully participate in Dharma discussions —
this is the greatest happiness.

“To live diligently and attentively,
to perceive the Noble Truths,
and to realize Nirvana —
this is the greatest happiness.

“To live in the world
with your heart undisturbed by the world,
with all sorrows ended, dwelling in peace —
this is the greatest happiness.

“For he or she who accomplishes this,
unvanquished wherever she goes,
always he is safe and happy —
happiness lives within oneself.”

Mahamangala Sutta, Sutta Nipata 1

Life is Art

[kad_youtube url=”https://youtu.be/l7nCKAcIn10″ width=980 height=350 ]

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