How to be Happy – Give Love Always

Another venting post for me. What I mean is that occasionally, I need to speak bluntly and honestly. I teach people how to find their happiness yet right now at this moment I am bland in emotion. Sometimes I get burned out from carrying people. I go to work most of my office is unhappy and or complaining about something in their lives. On the way to work I see people angry ready to jump out of their cards just because someone made a lane change in a lane that is merging anyway.

I open social media to post positive captions and pictures only to see most of the content people are putting out is negative passive aggressive in nature. I open my phone to glance at the days news just in case a meteor is on its way and see more negative articles than anything positive. Employees come to me with ridiculous excuses for failing and not showing up or being late. This gets to me sometimes. And I teach “you cannot control the external, but you can control the perception of your environment” what the fuck is that all about. I need to stop teaching that bullshit. I need to stop teaching about gratitude and happiness. How I should always feel happy and positive when the world around me is falling apart.

The truth is I am a sad and my heart bleeds that I cannot reach everyone. I can only love and find one person that I might be able to help. Do I feel these things I just articulated? Yes, for sure and more! But I choose to show more love when I get this buried in shit from the world. It is worth it. I do get criticized. People avoid me. I stop relations with people that are too negative for my taste. I notice I do not get invited to certain functions because I make people uncomfortable because they feel guilty when I stand for their opposite feeling. I am ok with that.

I choose to be happy. I choose to be positive. I am a recovering asshole and idiot, so I can spot them a mile away. I deal with them every day. I laugh in their face when they think they are fooling me taking advantage of my kindness and mistaking it for my weakness. I love them. I share with them my compassion because I know even though they are pieces of shit I know they are in pain and are experiencing loneliness and insecurity, fear and a sense of loss and abandonment.

I do this for no other reason or agenda other than not giving up on someone that might see what I am trying to share. I’ll take a 1 out of 10 ratios. Ill take the risk. I show love. Is it easy? NO! but you adjust and move forward.

My Simplicity of Happiness Quotes

  • the same thought leads to the same choices. the same choices lead to the same results.
  • at some point in the day you must separate yourself from the world and quiet your mind. listen to your soul for answers
  • if you want to be miserable and unhappy. stay in bed.
  • give yourself life today. be happy
  • the ego is always working to keep you under control. your ego does not want you to forget the past because the past reminds you to be safe.
  • People have a fear of admitting their fears because fear is a comfortable place
  • creating art is the expression of my soul. it is what i am passionate about
  • we tell everyone all the excuses we want to dish but when we are looking in the mirror we know who is at fault.
  • why is it that people cannot just admit they are their own problem? it is easy therefore they can begin to heal.
  • is anyone tired of having to walk on eggshells with people? do we have to?
  • how is it you feel you can blame me for your mistakes? you chose not me
  • you are the story you believe.
  • if you are reading this you are looking for happiness.
  • be happy. you do not need to look. just decide
  • we search for reasons to be happy and make excuses to be unhappy. focus on searching for reasons to be happy and stop listening to your excuses.
  • i can sit her and argue with you of how amazing you are…. but until you believe it you will always be unhappy.
  • give yourself a chance to live. accept the current reality you chose for yourself and then change it.
  • it is hard to love someone who is angry with you. it is easier to see them with eyes of compassion for their pain.
  • it is a tough thing to admit you are responsible for who you are today. once you do change is easier.
  • it doesn’t bother me your an idiot. it bothers me you deny it. i admit i am an asshole. i can now change what i know i am.
  • It boggles my mind to know that being happy really pisses people off
  • can someone give me a good excuse of why you are unhappy?
  • i walk a mile thinking about bullshit. someone told me it was a waste of time. it is better to walk then sitting on my ass at least i got some exercise
  • if you operate in a negative tone you will not heal from the negative effects
  • if your purpose stresses you out it isnt your purpose.
  • when you vent to people your toxicity you infect others and they do not deserve it. keep it to yourself or stay in bed.
  • if you are reading this you woke up today….
  • then why are you complaining and dwelling on what happen yesterday?
  • is what you are doing to maintain your livelihood making you happy? are you waking up excited to go to “work”? find your #purpose!
  • i can only vent my frustration at people who pretend to be good. i will not take action against them because most of the time they do not know what they are doing.
  • i show them compassion and love…. and then i vent.
  • when i am in public observing humanity i feel like in a peanut gallery. i watch people chase their tale and act as if they are the only ones on earth. we all can change. the age-old adage of “you cannot teach an old dog new tricks is bullshit.
  • deny yourself! but you cannot escape facts that you are a piece of shit. you allow yourself to be one. try looking in the mirror more and it will change. allow the change and your happiness will appear.
  • you tried to wake up forcing happy and being positive but never really believed it is possible. you must have faith in yourself first. love yourself. be blinded by that love.

How to be Happy – Work at it!

Do you realize you are unhappy and waking up making the same decisions you do every day? Are you having difficulties looking in the mirror? Change your daily actions. Try waking up happy that you are alive. Look for opportunities to help others and share your happiness. There are so many people that are in a desperate situation screaming for attention or just help. Help with their state of mind. Help with wanting to learn how to function happily.

Reach out to someone and love them. To love someone, the reality is you must love yourself. To love yourself you must accept yourself as you are in that moment. Once you accept yourself a profound change will begin to take place. You can now embark on a better journey and love waking up again as you did when you were a child looking for new adventures.

The following are steps towards this path and the principles that will help you get there.

1) Acceptance – Be happy with who you are in the present moment

2) Perception – change the way you see everything & everyone around you

3) Clarity – Awareness of 1 & 2 will give you clarity

4) Learning – With clarity you will have an open mind to learn how to be happy

5) Practicing – Once you have the tools you can now practice happiness

The Path to Happiness

The Path to Happiness

Everyone wakes up the same, you open your eyes and what you see is what you get. Our perceptions is where we differ. We see the world that we decide to see from the time we wake up. There are of course some drastic differences in the human conditon where experiences are quite different. Let us address the folks that have a physical control of their life. The people that have the freedom to read this post.

If you wake up and open your eyes complaining from the get go about where you are in life then you shouldnt be complaining at the end of the day when your day is over about how screwed up your life is. You woke up pissed off, bitching and moaning from the time you woke up. You have no right to complain.

We wake up and we have another chance from yesterdays failure or challenge. We have the opportunity to make our life better and right our wrongs. Whether you believe this is a truth or not, it is a fact that we wake the same. We open our eyes and have a choice to change the perception as simple as a decision.

We all have a path to take in life towards our final destination. Death. We will all arrive there eventually. What is the legacy you will leave behind. The decision you make about your perception in life will dictate how that legacy will look like. Everyday we have challenges that make us stronger or weaker depending on the perception we take about it.

What does that path look like for you? Are you wasting time everyday waking up to the same belief system that does not serve you? Are you stuck in a mindset full of daily negative rituals teaching you about life as a sad truth or are you waking up looking forwards towards the beautiful experiences that help you learn and thrive?

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